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Post your top 43


Active member
February 7, 2014
I'm well aware it's been almost 3 years since this edition of Eurovision but I've been entertained recently whilst looking back at previous editions of the contest and posting away on this kind of "top threads". I was surprised not to see one about 2011 so here goes nothing. I think it's interesting to compare tastes and also to look back at previous editions while this year's contest doesn't come along. So go ahead and post your tops as well. I will be creating threads for previous years editions in case they don't exist, if that's okay. Guess it would be fair to say I'm hooked into this concept of posting :oops: Without further ado here's my top 43 for the 2011 edition of the ESC:

1- :ua: Ukraine
2- :ge: Georgia
3- :by: Belarus
4- :ee: Estonia
5- :ch: Switzerland
6- :lv: Latvia
7- :pl: Poland
8- :rs: Serbia
9- :md: Moldova
10- :se: Sweden
11- :lt: Lithuania
12- :fr: France
13- :az: Azerbaijan
14- :hu: Hungary
15- :cy: Cyprus
16- :mk: Macedonia
17- :ro: Romania
18- :sl: Slovenia
19- :it: Italy
20- :am: Armenia
21- :is: Iceland
22- :at: Austria
23- :sk: Slovakia
24- :dk: Denmark
25- :de: Germany
26- :bg: Bulgaria
27- :al: Albania
28- :tr: Turkey
29- :fi: Finland
30- :gr: Greece
31- :ie: Ireland
32- :uk: UK
33- :sm: San Marino
34- :hr: Croatia
35- :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina
36- :pt: Portugal
37- :nl: Netherlands
38- :be: Belgium
39- :ru: Russia
40- :il: Israel
41- :es: Spain
42- :mt: Malta
43- :no: Norway


Active member
July 29, 2013
Here I go, then :D

:12: :de: :: Lena - Taken By a Stranger
:10: :fi: :: Paradise Oskar - Da Da Dam
:8: :hu: :: Kati Wolf - What About My Dreams
:7: :ee: :: Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street
:6: :ge: :: Eldrine - One More Day
:5: :dk: :: A Friend in London - New Tomorrow
:4: :sl: :: Maja Keuc - No One
:3: :ba: :: Dino Merlin - Love in Rewind
:2: :se: :: Eric Saade - Popular
:1: :ch: :: Anna Rossinelli - In Love For a While

11 :rs: :: Nina - Caroban
12 :pl: :: Magdalena Tul - Jestem
13 :ie: :: Jedward - Lipstick
14 :be: :: Witloof Bay - With Love
15 :il: :: Dana International - Ding Dong
16 :ro: :: Hotel FM - Change
17 :ru: :: Alexev Vorobyob - Get You
18 :no: :: Stella Mwangi - Haba Haba
19 :hr: :: Daria - Celebrate
20 :es: :: Lucía Pérez - Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao
21 :sk: :: Twiins - I'm Still Alive
22 :it: :: Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love
23 :ua: :: Mika Newton - Angel
24 :bg: :: Poli Genova - Na Inat
25 :am: :: Emmy - Boom Boom

26 :is: :: Sjooni's Friends - Coming Home
27 :az: :: Ell & Nikki - Running Scared
28 :pt: :: Homens da Luta - A Luta é Alegria
29 :sm: :: Senit - Stand By
30 :tr: :: Yüksek Sadakat - Live It Up
31 :uk: :: Blue - I Can
33 :by: :: Anastasia Vinnikova - I Love Belarus
33 :md: :: Zdob şi Zdub - So Lucky
34 :mk: :: Vlatko Ilievski - Rusinka
35 :mt: :: Glen Vella - One Life
36 :cy: :: Hristos Milordos - San Angelos S'agapisa
37 :gr: :: Lukas Yorkas & Stereo Mike - Watch My Dance
38 :at: :: Nadine Beiler - The Secret is Love
39 :al: :: Aurela Gaçe - Feel The Passion
40 :lt: :: Evelina Sašenko - C'est Ma Vie
41 :lv: :: Musiqq - Angel in Disguise
42 :nl: :: 3JS - Never Alone
43 :fr: :: Amaury Vassili - Sognu


Well-known member
February 10, 2010


3. :es:
5. :hu:
7. :ee:
9. :it:
10. :fr:

Not a good year overall. 2010 and 2012 were considerably better.


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK
:12: :de: Germany
:10: :ie: Ireland
:8: :pl: Poland
:7: :at: Austria
:6: :am: Armenia
:5: :ua: Ukraine
:4: :uk: United Kingdom
:3: :md: Moldova
:2: :ee: Estonia
:1: :az: Azerbaijan


March 19, 2014
12 Ireland
10 Austria
08 Germany
07 Cyprus
06 France
05 Finland
04 Latvia
03 Slovenia
02 United Kingdom
01 Slovakia


October 16, 2014
Thank you both for your reply. i was deliberately a bit coy just to Get the vibe as it were of this forum. I just get fustrated when the material I want to sing is never available.

I am fairly certain most karaoke backing tracks are electronic interpolations of the real thing. You can sometimes hear a faint voice, and being the geek I am I have ananlysed the waveforms and running times. Thats why on some tracks one examplle is crash and burn by savage garden the singing is slightly overdubbed from verse to chorus which is common, why not just add another bar to the beat the running times are identical, they either have some kind iof advanced re sampling software, or they get access to the original multitrack.

Simple Acoustic tracks they re record but anything complicated it would make sense to get a copy from the Studio rather than hiring a band to do it.

What counts as an original recording? If someone samples something the resulting out put is not the original its a copy but the sounds are not "real" there made up in the computer.

I did know that its illegal here but the laws are not enforced, I could go down the road here and buy a copy of Windows seven for $10! that includes Office 2010.


October 16, 2014
Thank you both for your reply. i was deliberately a bit coy just to Get the vibe as it were of this forum. I just get fustrated when the material I want to sing is never available.

I am fairly certain most karaoke backing tracks are electronic interpolations of the real thing. You can sometimes hear a faint voice, and being the geek I am I have ananlysed the waveforms and running times. Thats why on some tracks one examplle is crash and burn by savage garden the singing is slightly overdubbed from verse to chorus which is common, why not just add another bar to the beat the running times are identical, they either have some kind iof advanced re sampling software, or they get access to the original multitrack.

Simple Acoustic tracks they re record but anything complicated it would make sense to get a copy from the Studio rather than hiring a band to do it.

What counts as an original recording? If someone samples something the resulting out put is not the original its a copy but the sounds are not "real" there made up in the computer.

I did know that its illegal here but the laws are not enforced, I could go down the road here and buy a copy of Windows seven for $10! that includes Office 2010.


Active member
February 28, 2017
Düsseldorf 2011 - my top 43

:12: :it: Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love
:10: :ba: Dino Merlin - Love in Rewind
:8: :fr: Amaury Vassili - Sognu
:7: :dk: A Friend in London - New Tomorrow
:6: :nl: 3JS - Never Alone
:5: :is: Sjonni's Friends - Coming Home
:4: :ie: Jedward - Lipstick
:3: :uk: Blue - I Can
:2: :de: Lena - Taken by a Stranger
:1: :se: Eric Saade - Popular
11 :bg: Poli Genova - Na inat
12 :be: Witloof Bay - With Love Baby
13 :fi: Paradise Oskar - Da Da Dam
14 :md: Zdob și Zdub - So Lucky
15 :rs: Nina - Čaroban
16 :ch: Anna Rossinelli - In Love for a While
17 :ro: Hotel FM - Change
18 :az: Ell & Nikki - Running Scared
19 :gr: Loukas Giorkas feat. Stereo Mike - Watch My Dance
20 :sl: Maja Keuc - No One
21 :lv: Musiqq - Angel in Disguise
22 :at: Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love
23 :mk: Vlatko Ilievski - Rusinka
24 :es: Lucía Pérez - Que me quiten lo bailao
25 :ua: Mika Newton - Angel
26 :ge: Eldrine - One More Day
27 :no: Stella Mwangi - Haba Haba
28 :by: Anastasia Vinnikova - I Love Belarus
29 :al: Aurela Gaçe - Feel the Passion
30 :ru: Alexey Vorobyov - Get You
31 :lt: Evelina Sašenko - C'est ma vie
32 :tr: Yüksek Sadakat - Live It Up
33 :hu: Kati Wolf - What About My Dreams?
34 :pt: Homens da Luta - A luta é alegria
35 :mt: Glen Vella - One Life
36 :sm: Senit - Stand By
37 :il: Dana International - Ding Dong
38 :ee: Getter Jaani - Rockerfeller Street
39 :cy: Christos Mylordos - San aggelos s'agapisa
40 :hr: Daria - Celebrate
41 :am: Emmy - Boom Boom
42 :pl: Magdalena Tul - Jestem
43 :sk: TWiiNS - I'm Still Alive
Last edited:


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Only Top 25:

01 :gr:
02 :az:
03 :ge:
04 :rs:
05 :ua:
06 :at:
07 :ru:
08 :ee:
09 :hu:
10 :ie:
11 :de:
12 :se:
13 :md:
14 :dk:
15 :sl:
16 :ro:
17 :lt:
18 :ba:
19 :fi:
20 :uk:
21 :es:
22 :fr:
23 :it:
24 :is:
25 :ch:


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
My top 43 of 2011:

1. :de:
2. :at:
3. :gr:
4. :ge:
5. :ua:
6. :sl:
7. :by:
8. :se:
9. :ie:
10. :no:
11. :rs:
12. :az:
13. :fi:
14. :it:
15. :bg:
16. :fr:
17. :ee:
18. :ba:
19. :ch:
20. :al:
21. :dk:
22. :hu:
23. :md:
24. :ru:
25. :es:
26. :tr:
27. :pl:
28. :mt:
29. :pt:
30 :uk:
31. :lv:
32. :ro:
33. :am:
34. :cy:
35. :sk:
36. :lt:
37. :il:
38. :mk:
39. :be:
40. :is:
41. :nl:
42. :sm:
43. :hr:
November 21, 2016
1. :sl: (Maja Keuc - No One)
2. :al: (Aurela Gace - Feel the Passion)
3. :gr: (Loukas Giorkas ft. Stereo Mike - Watch My Dance)
4. :hu: (Kati Wolf - What About My Dreams?)
5. :ba: (Dino Merlin - Love in Rewind)
6. :uk: (Blue - I Can)
7. :ge: (Eldrine - One More Day)
8. :md: (Zdob si Zdub - So Lucky)
9. :bg: (Poli Genova - Na Inat)
10. :rs: (Nina - Caroban)
11. :es: (Lucia Perez - Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao)
12. :it: (Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love)
13. :cy: (Christos Mylordos - San Aggelos S’agapisa)
14. :tr: (Yuksek Sadakat - Live It Up)
15. :ee: (Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street)
16. :at: (Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love)
17. :lv: (Musiqq - Angel in Disguise)
18. :il: (Dana International - Ding Dong)
19. :mk: (Vlatko Ilievski - Rusinka)
20. :az: (Ell & Nikki - Running Scared)
21. :ru: (Alexey Vorobyov - Get You)
22. :by: (Anastasia Vinnikova - I Love Belarus)
23. :pt: (Homens da Luta - A Lute e Alegria)
24. :pl: (Magdalena Tul - Jestem)
25. :nl: (3JS - Never Alone)
26. :sm: (Senit - Stand By)
27. :ro: (Hotel FM - Change)
28. :ch: (Anna Rossinelli - In Love for a While)
29. :se: (Eric Saade - Popular)
30. :ua: (Mika Newton - Angel)
31. :lt: (Evelina Sasenko - C’est Ma Vie)
32. :fr: (Amaury Vassili - Sognu)
33. :de: (Lena - Taken by a Stranger)
34. :is: (Sjonni’s Friends - Coming Home)
35. :fi: (Paradise Oskar - Da Da Dam)
36. :dk: (A Friend in London - New Tomorrow)
37. :no: (Stella Mwangi - Haba Haba)
38. :am: (Emmy - Boom Boom)
39. :hr: (Daria - Celebrate)
40. :ie: (Jedward - Lipstick)
41. :sk: (TWiiNS - I’m Still Alive)
42. :mt: (Glen Vella - One Life)
43. :be: (Witloof Bay - With Love Baby)


October 4, 2017
1. :it: Raphael Gualazzi – Madness of love
2. :ba: Dino Merlin – Love in rewind
3. :se: Eric Saade - Popular
4. :bg: Poli Genova – Na inat
5. :ch: Anna Rossinelli – In love for a while
6. :de: Lena Meyer-Landrut – Taken by a stranger
7. :lv: Musiqq – Angel in disguise
8. :at: Nadine Beiler – The secret is love
9. :ie: Jedward – Lipstick
10. :gr: Loukas Yiorkas feat. Stereo Mike – Watch my dance
11. :sl: Maja Keuc – No one
12. :hu: Wolf Kati – What about my dreams
13. :by: Anastasiya Vinnikova – I love Belarus
14. :dk: A friend in London – New tomorrow
15. :fr: Amaury Vassili – Sognu
16. :ua: Mika Newton – Angel
17. :ee: Getter Jaani – Rockefeller Street
18. :lt: Evelina Sašenko – C’est ma vie
19. :rs: Nina – Caroban
20. :az: Ell & Nikki – Running scared
21. :ro: Hotel FM - Change
22. :is: Sjonni’s Friends – Coming home
23. :il: Dana International – Ding dong
24. :md: Zdob si Zdub – So lucky
25. :mk: Vlatko Ilievski - Rusinka
26. :uk: Blue – I can
27. :ge: Eldrine – One more day
28. :sk: Twiins – I’m still alive
29. :ru: Alexey Vorobyov – Get you
30. :fi: Paradise Oskar – Da da dam
31. :tr: Yüksek Sadakat – Live it up
32. :cy: Christos Mylordos – San Angelos S’Agapisa
33. :es: Lucia Perez – Que me quiten lo bailao
34. :nl: 3JS – Never alone
35. :pt: Homens da luta – Luta é alegria
36. :mt: Glen Vella – One life
37. :no: Stella Mwangi – Haba haba
38. :be: Witloof Bay – With love baby
39. :al: Aurela Gace – Feel the passion
40. :hr: Daria – Celebrate
41. :pl: Magdalena Tul – Jestem
42. :sm: Senit – Stand by
43. :am: Emmy – Boom boom


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
2011, one of the most remarkable years and the night to kill 15 minutes for a post no one's gonna read.


01. :ee: Rockefeller Street
02. :de: Taken By A Stranger
03. :hu: What About My Dreams
04. :fi: Da Da Dam
05. :it: Madness of Love
06. :sl: No One
07. :dk: New Tomorrow
08. :ro: Change
09. :ba: Love in Rewind

Like / Enjoyable

10. :ru: Get You
11. :be: With Love
12. :ge: One More Day
13. :se: Popular
14. :ch: In Love For A While
15. :pl: Jestem
16. :rs: Caroban
17. :il: Ding Dong
18. :sm: Stand By
19. :pt: Something long and Portuguese
20. :ie: Lipstick
21. :es: Something long and Spanish

Neutral / Nothing Special

22. :is: Coming Home
23. :no: Haba Haba
24. :am: Boom Boom
25. :az: Running Scared
26. :hr: Celebrate
27. :sk: I'm still alive
28. :by: I Love Belarus
29. :tr: Live it up
30. :mk: Rusinka
31. :ua: Angel
32. :cy: Something very Greek
33. :mt: One Life


34. :gr: Watch My Dance
35. :uk: I Can
36. :lt: :at: C'Est ma vie / The Secret is Love (literally sounds the same with different lyrics)
38. :md: So Lucky

Hate / Can't Stand (no offence)

39. :al: Feel the passion
40. :nl: Never Alone
41. :fr: Sognu
42. :bg: Na Inat
43. :lv: Angel in disguise


February 26, 2016

1. :se: Eric Saade - Popular
2. :ba: Dino Merlin – Love in rewind
3. :ie: Jedward – Lipstick
4. :tr: Yüksek Sadakat – Live it up
5. :ru: Alexey Vorobyov – Get you
6. :uk: Blue – I can


7. :lv: Musiqq – Angel in disguise
8. :sl: Maja Keuc – No one
9. :hu: Wolf Kati – What about my dreams
10. :ge: Eldrine – One more day
11. :al: Aurela Gace – Feel the passion
12. :az: Ell/Nikki – Running scared
13. :mt: Glen Vella – One life
14. :by: Anastasiya Vinnikova – I love Belarus
15. :ro: Hotel FM - Change
16. :dk: A friend in London – New tomorrow
17. :ee: Getter Jaani – Rockefeller Street
18. :nl: 3JS – Never alone
19. :md: Zdob si Zdub – So lucky
20. :il: Dana International – Ding dong
21. :no: Stella Mwangi – Haba haba
22. :pl: Magdalena Tul – Jestem


23. :am: Emmy – Boom boom
24. :fi: Paradise Oskar – Da da dam
25. :bg: Poli Genova – Na inat
26. :ua: Mika Newton – Angel
27. :is: Sjonni’s Friends – Coming home
28. :es: Lucia Perez – Que me quiten lo bailao
29. :gr: Loucas Yiorkis feat. Stereo Mike – Watch my dance
30. :de: Lena Meyer-Landrut – Taken by a stranger
31. :rs: Nina – Caroban
32. :sm: Senit – Stand by
33. :mk: Vlatko Ilievski - Rusinka
34. :pt: Homens da luta – Luta é alegria
35. :cy: Christos Mylordos – San Aggelos S’Agapisa
36. :hr: Daria – Celebrate

37. :sk: Twiins – I’m still alive
38. :at: Nadine Beiler – The secret is love
39. :fr: Amaury Vassili – Sognu
40. :ch: Anna Rossinelli – In love for a while
41. :it: Raphael Gualazzi – Madness of love
42. :be: Witloof Bay – With love baby
43. :lt: Evelina Saseko – C’est ma vie


March 11, 2013
1. :sl:
2. :sm:
3. :sk:
4. :de:
5. :uk:
6. :dk:
7. :ua:
8. :at:
9. :ba:
10. :ee:
11. :az:
12. :bg:
13. :no:
14. :fr:
15. :ru:
16. :pl:
17. :hu:
18. :lt:
19. :fi:
20. :il:
21. :hr:
22. :ge:
23. :pt:
24. :cy:
25. :it:
26. :al:
27. :ie:
28. :rs:
29. :nl:
30. :is:
31. :es:
32. :by:
33. :be:
34. :tr:
35. :se:
36. :ro:
37. :ch:
38. :mt:
39. :lv:
40. :mk:
41. :gr:
42. :md:
43. :am:
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