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Well-known member
December 3, 2010
UK - Morocco
Hi guys,

We have revamped the NSC discord in order to make it more user and social friendly for both NSCers and WLSCers xcheer


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
So just a heads up to all the mods - this has appeared at the top of the database, so might be a good idea to maybe look at an alternative solution like a Google Sheet or something to avoid losing what's in the database already...



Staff member
September 28, 2009
So just a heads up to all the mods - this has appeared at the top of the database, so might be a good idea to maybe look at an alternative solution like a Google Sheet or something to avoid losing what's in the database already...


Yeah, we're aware, this has been a recurring problem unfortunately. Awesome Tables started enforcing some pretty strict limits on free accounts a few months ago (500 views per month and 10 queries per day).

@renzo has been using a workaround by creating a new account every time the limits were exceeded, but this wasn't very sustainable. So we're moving the official database to (thanks @nofuxCZ for creating this).

Maybe @Sean can update the database link on the forum so that it leads to, if external links are allowed?


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Yeah, we're aware, this has been a recurring problem unfortunately. Awesome Tables started enforcing some pretty strict limits on free accounts a few months ago (500 views per month and 10 queries per day).

@renzo has been using a workaround by creating a new account every time the limits were exceeded, but this wasn't very sustainable. So we're moving the official database to (thanks @nofuxCZ for creating this).

Maybe @Sean can update the database link on the forum so that it leads to, if external links are allowed?
Oh awesome, didn't even know there was an alternate link live already. Merci xup


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Hello everyone xcheer

So for now, I just want to use the opportunity and give everyone a small teaser for what will come close attention to this topic on Friday. Something will happen in this exact topic in 2 days.

I had to give some kind of a teaser first, because this thing that will soon be announced to everyone will make our NSC grounds tremble and I expect the temperature to reach very high levels on Friday, so I just wanted to give some heads-up before that that people don't get too shocked when they find out :lol:

The stage is set and everything is already prepared, the NSC community will have the honor to be the first to find out, it is only natural that way xcheer xheart

Also, the message will be a relatively long one, but I believe it will hold your attention.

In the meantime, one song to keep the dramatic suspense until the announcement:

"The Rains of Castamere" marks the arrival of something big indeed, but don't worry, no one will be injured, that is guaranteed! :lol: :p You will find out everything in 2 days!


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Hello everyone once again! :D The time has come for this amazing community that gave me so many wonderful and unforgettable moments to find out about something that, until this moment, was going on in the background. We were not giving any hints to the public on purpose but we did prepare everything carefully for this announcement and we decided that our beloved NSC community will be the first one to find out :D xheart

So, I am now happy to announce to all of you that Veronika and I have feelings towards one another and we are in a relationship for some time already xheart xheart xheart

Nobody knew about this other than our families and people very close to us, but we didn’t want to reveal everything right away. We enjoyed the comfort of nobody not even suspecting what is actually going on “behind the scenes”, and we wanted the announcement to be special. We already agreed that this will be the day when everyone finds out about our relationship and because NSC is a huge part of both of our lives for years, it only came natural for the amazing people of NSC to find out before the rest of the world does xheart

It is actually quite amazing how the two of us ended up here and this just gets to show that “life writes novels” indeed. The two of us were literally in front of each other for 8 years straight, but we were not aware of what we had waiting for us until destiny arranged events to play out like a movie sequence and in the most ideal possible moment. This timing was crucial. Only then we managed to create such an epic chemistry between us…….and everything that followed later was a Disney fairytale set in real life xheart.

Truth be told, I always had warm feelings towards Veronika and I always valued her immensely for all the effort she was putting in for the community, for the fact that she was constantly sending innovative and amazing songs that all left a huge mark in the history of our favorite contest, and I also thought she is the most attractive girl I ever saw. Today, I can proudly say in front of everyone that, for me, she is the most beautiful girl in the world xheart

We didn’t communicate directly until pretty much the final months of 2022, which is when, gradually, and over time, things started to change dramatically, and eventually, we ended up developing deep emotions for one another because the chemistry that was created was definitely unlike anything that I’ve experienced before. Whoever was pulling the strings above (and it definitely feels like someone was pulling them), they knew exactly when to start pulling so that we can be sent towards one another. We both had difficult moments both emotionally and otherwise, and I can say from my perspective that 2022 was the most difficult year ever for me. It was full of losses…..and I was emotionally destroyed. Veronika also had a hard time emotionally, bad things that are happening globally are affecting all normal people who are against them, and she suffered because of these events as well……but luckily for both of us, on a personal level, at the end of every dark tunnel, there is light. And we both found our light that plunged us away from the darkness xheart

Other than beauty and intelligence, another thing that made me fall for Veronika is definitely her angelic voice xheart As soon as….I fell off the chair by listening to her version of “Hero”, I told her not to even think of recording anything else for the karaoke contest, this is the song she will be performing for both of us, and we will be celebrating the victory later. And in the end….the plan worked perfectly, we did enjoy the victory and we celebrated it thoroughly…..whiiile also having fun seeing the reactions and the suspense being created by my previous teaser here :lol: I apologize for that but as you can see, it was done with good reason :mrgreen:

Veronika and I have a lot of plans for the future. When the time is right, she will be coming to Serbia first and that will be our first meeting in real life, and certainly, also, when the time is right, I will be going to Russia as well. In the meantime, we enjoy the company of one another even in these circumstances. I am learning and improving my Russian (I knew something already) while Veronika is also learning Serbian with my help. We are both thrilled and we hope the NSC community will support us just like the two of us have always supported NSC as such, even when one of us was not able to be a part of it due to real-life obligations.

Also, in case at some point in the future Belvist or Rahasia-Diati take home the NSC trophy, it will be our mutual pleasure to welcome everyone to our two countries. And I remember I said after the 192nd edition that the next time Belvist potentially gets the opportunity to host, it will be a special occassion. And hosting NSC together with Veronika will now be super special and symbolic indeed xheart It will be a celebration of our relationship and our gift to the people around us xheart

In the end, I can say that this forum as a whole brought me so many unforgettable moments. I remember I was one of the first three people who registered on the old Esctoday forum 17 years ago and I literally saw everything that was happening ever since. It’s been quite a ride and it still is. So many amazing memories. But Veronika herself is something completely different compared to everything that came before and none of these things are even remotely similar. Going forward, the flag below will be my signature, because now officially and publicly, our nations have aligned and formed a bond.

Veronika……I love you and I will do my best to give you all the love that you deserve xheart Or shortly in Russian - Вероника, я тебя люблю xheart xheart xheart



Staff member
April 23, 2014
(ahh, such amazing words by Miloš, and I'm feeling over the moon now, if not to say more...
...but okay, now it's my turn)

Hello my dear fellow NSC-ers! xrunhug

First of all I'd like to say... yes, I'm more than happy to confirm what Miloš said above and to openly announce our relationship as well. :)

NSC has always been more than a special place to me. And it's been such a place since the very beginning. Over here, I've felt like nowhere else, I've felt like...this is my second home and this is where I belong... since my very first days on the WL.
And then, on top of everything (when I wasn't expecting literally anything like that at all, btw), it connected me with Miloš, my significant other, my soulmate. And it happened so spontaneously, but in the most beautiful way. Our chemistry, our mutual attraction, our common ground have been insane literally from the very beginning, from the first days we started talking. And he is the man who makes me so happy every day. xheart This whole experience is definitely the most wonderful thing that ever happened to both of us. At this stage of my life, I am experiencing strong emotions that I have never experienced before and my life is not the same anymore. Everything sparkled with new colors... and it feels beyond amazing. :D

Yes, crazy fact is that the two of us have known each other on this forum for more than 8 years (as Miloš said), but it was NSC that brought us closer... and thus we realized that we are meant for each other. xheart And I'm infinitely grateful to this contest.

As for my participation and mod duties...don't worry everyone, I'm staying and continuing doing what I'm doing for the community. Moreover, I'm doing it with much more happiness and passion now, just like everything I will do from now on...when all those beautiful things happened to me and I have my new energy. :)

Miloš and me are beyond happy and inseparable, and we are wishing all of you infinite happiness, because you guys totally deserved it.

Belvist and Rahasia-Diati are both sending you lots of love! You are the best community ever. xheart

And yes, Miloš...
Volim te. xheart


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Arvidsjaur, Sweden
I've heard rumors about NSCers (who didn't know each other beforehand) entering relationships before, but this has to be the first one truly serious and out in the open?

Simply put, what a lovely surprise! Congratulations! I'm very happy for you both and wish you all the best together! xlove


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
I'm not part of the NSC family anymore, but I just wanted to say congratulations to the both of you on finding one another through such unlikely circumstance. I'm super happy for you and that story from the both of you was so sweet. ❤


Well-known member
March 16, 2020
Not part of this community yet really (WL'er-life sucks), but anyway, this is really cute. Congrats both of you and do it safely and all! xheart
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