And exactly what is your opinion on the topic? If you'd be more opinionated about the actual topic and spend less time jumping on other forum members for not sharing your opinion, you'd be contributing more to the forum, this thread is not about me you know so why this obsession? And yes, people shouldn't be attacked for having different opinions, however attacking people is against forum rules
I'm actually a bit shocked at the mob mentality in this forum, I expected more from Eurovision fans, (knowing that we are sometimes outsiders and have different walks of life and sometimes had to struggle ourselves), than acting like a cliché of a school playground, do you all feel cool behind your computer screens? Does it make you "one of the gang" to be 10 against 1? I mean really?
So shoot me for being an opinionated person, I come in here to release some stress from my everyday life, to discuss one of my biggest hobbies and guilty pleasures, maybe I write too much but so what? This is a discussion forum afterall, some people will keep discussion going, while others will make just few comments a year, that's just different personalities, but where does it give people like you and others the right to tell others when they are allowed to speak and when not?
Do you honestly think bullying and mocking is so fun? Does it entertain you that much? Well, you can think whatever you want about me, you don't know me, regardless but that's not the topic of this forum so man up for once and take it up as PM then instead of using your usual suspects around here to make a whole thread about how annoyed you seem to be about me, I might be talking too much at times, but that's my right, you however break the rules over and over. I am not going to leave the forum nor will I stop having opinions so your attempts at "pushing me out" from here didn't work anyways
Look, you're probably going to ignore this message or write a mockery response to it as usual, I am not here to argue with people believe it or not, I am here, like I said, to take some stress out from my everyday, discuss the topics, read news, engage in rankings and games, whatever, I might not always agree with people, I might have lots of opinions, but I am not here to make enemies, however I believe in mutual respect, if people attack me I will respond back. I know that some people in here don't like me, but it's a grown up thing to at least show some respect, I would love for people to contact me via PM if they have some issue and try to get to know me instead of keeping some false perception, but I see that people prefer to use the different threads to create pseudo threads with mockery and attacks instead, that's really sad tbh but ok, I cannot do anything apparently.