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Mainshow's Eurovision Rankings + Alltime list


December 23, 2018
I hope that I don't break any rules here but I would like to have a place where all my Top 10s + an all-time ranking of all Eurovision countries can be found.
Scorewiz had been my favourite place to come up with my favourite countries in Eurovision but unfortunately, they have changed their formula and now it's impossible to give points to the home country entries. Also, I love the mini flags/icons on this forum and since it's dedicated to Eurovision, I would love to share my (flop or immacute) taste (you can decide :D) with you.


01 :az: 94 [12x]
02 :it: 93 [14x]
03 :hr: 89 [10x]
04 :is: 75 [14x]
05 :ua: 75 [10x]
06 :il: 73 [11x]
07 :se: 71 [12x]
08 :sl: 68 [10x]
09 :de: 66 [11x]
10 :pl: 62 [10x]
11 :nl: 48 [10x]
12 :al: 46 [6x]
13 :ee: 45 [8x]
14 :no: 37 [8x]
15 :ru: 37 [5x]
16 :gr: 35 [5x]
17 :fr: 34 [7x]
18 :uk: 31 [6x]
19 :es: 31 [5x]
20 :by: 30 [7x]
21 :pt: 30 [7x]
22 :hu: 29 [6x]
23 :ba: 28 [5x]
24 :am: 26 [5x]
25 :lv: 25 [4x]
26 :ie: 24 [6x]
27 :rs: 24 [5x]
28 :cz: 24 [4x]
29 :me: 23 [4x]
30 :bg: 23 [4x]
31 :cy: 22 [4x]
32 :dk: 20 [4x]
33 :ch: 19 [3x]
34 :lt: 17 [4x]
35 :tr: 17 [4x]
36 :be: 17 [4x]
37 :sk: 17 [2x]
38 :fi: 16 [2x]
39 :ro: 14 [3x]
40 :mk: 14 [3x]
41 :at: 13 [4x]
42 :ge: 12 [2x]
43 :mt: 11 [4x]
44 :md: 10 [3x]
45 :sm: 6 [1x]
46 :au: 2 [1x]
47 :ad: 1 [1x]
48 :mc: 0 [0x]
49 :lu: 0 [0x]
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December 23, 2018

Longest run in my Top 10: :it: [11x; 2011-2021]
First country to reach 50 points: :hr: [2005]
Most #1s: :hr: [1999, 2002, 2009]
Most Appearances in total: :is: [14x] :it: [x14]
Most Appearances of songs performed in another language but English: :it: [13x]
Consecutive wins: :de: [2010/2011]
Most successful debuting countries: :rs: [12 pts; 2004], :cz: [12 pts; 2007]
Longest run without any points: :fi: [16x; 1998-2016]
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December 23, 2018

14x:is: :it:
12x:az: :se:
11x:de: :il:
10x:hr: :nl: :pl: :sl: :ua:
8x:ee: :no:
7x:by: :fr: :pt:
6x:al: :hu: :ie: :uk:
5x:am: :ba: :gr: :ru: :rs: :es:
4x:at: :be: :bg: :cy: :cz: :dk: :lv: :lt: :mt: :me: :tr:
3x:md: :mk: :ro: :ch:
2x:fi: :ge: :sk:
1x:ad: :au: :sm:
0x:lu: :mc:
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December 23, 2018
LIST: DOUZE POINTS (1997-2023)

3x:hr: (99/02/09)
2x:az: (17/21) :de: (10/11) :it: (13/23) :pl: (97/14) :ua: (16/20)
1x:al: (15) :am: (08) :by: (18) :ba: (06) :cz: (07) :dk: (00) :fi: (22) :gr: (05) :il: (98) :lt: (24) :nl: (19) :ru: (03) :rs: (04) :es: (01) :se: (12)
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December 23, 2018
:ie: Dublin, Ireland 1997

I've been a fan of Eurovision since I was toddler due to my mother hosting Eurovision parties or taking me to friends in order to watch it together. It has always been an activity for the whole family. Even though my memories are kinda limited, I can still remember being super excited about the 1997 edition because it was the first time I was able to stay up late + I can remember the winner very well. In retrospective, I enjoy listening to Poland's entry the most: It's an underrated masterpiece, a beautiful fairytale of magical sounds! Same applies for Slovenia.. what a beautiful ballad! Iceland was robbed, for sure, it was the first entry to be really provocative and unlike all the ballads, it sounded very contemporary... same applies to Hungary which did the late 90's boyband sound justice! - Italy was also amazing and the British winning entry has become a true Eurovision classic! I honestly believe that the 1997 edition was one of the best ones of the 90s!

:12: :pl: Anna Maria Jopek - Ale jestem
:10: :sl: Tanja Ribič - Zbudi se
:8: :is: Paul Oscar - Minn hinsti dans
:7: :it: Jalisse - Fiumi di parole
:6: :uk: Katrina and The Waves - Love Shine a Light
:5: :cy: Hara & Andreas Konstantinou - Mana mou
:4: :hu: V.I.P. - Miért kell, hogy elmenj?
:3: :ie: Marc Roberts - Mysterious Woman
:2: :tr: Şebnem Paker & Grup Etnic - Dinle
:1: :mt: Debbie Scerri - Let Me Fly

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December 23, 2018
:uk: Birmingham, United Kingdom 1998

That year, my mother took me to my first Eurovision party ever. I was 5 years old and I can still remember that evening very well: We had a buffet and even Guildo Horn figures made of paper! As a kid, I really loved them because we were able to dress them... I have never experienced such thing before... a whole nation supporting a single entry! Personally, I don't really like Guildo Horn's entry anymore but I simply had to award it with a single point because he was the first fun entry in Eurovsion and did help to come up with a new Eurovision spirit! - Dana International is my #1, of course, since "Diva" is iconic. Apart from that, I think that 1998 was a weaker year than 1997 even though I really enjoy listening to my Top 6. Portugal is a simple, calming tune; Mihalis is one of my favourite male singers in Eurovision; Slovakia in vain of my favourite entries from 1997. It seems that Slovakia has always been the most criminally underrated country in Eurovsiion - even straight from the beginning. #robbed

:12: :il: Dana International - Diva
:10: :pt: Alma Lusa - Se eu te Pudesse Abraçar
:8: :cy: Michalis Hatzigiannis - Genesis
:7: :sk: Katarína Hasprová - Modlitba
:6: :uk: Imaani - Where Are You?
:5: :hr: Danijela - Neka mi ne svane
:4: :nl: Edsilia Rombley - Hemel en aarde
:3: :pl: Sixteen - To takie proste
:2: :sl: Vili Resnik - Naj bogovi slišijo
:1: :de: Guildo Horn - Guildo hat euch lieb

Current all-time ranking:
:pl: 15 [2x]
:cy: 13 [2x]
:il: 12 [1x]
:sl: 12 [2x]
:uk: 12 [2x]
:pt: 10 [1x]
:is: 8 [1x]
:it: 7 [1x]
:sk: 7 [1x]
:hr: 5 [1x]
:hu: 4 [1x]
:nl: 4 [1x]
:ie: 3 [1x]
:tr: 2 [1x]
:mt: 1 [1x]
:de: 1 [1x]
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December 23, 2018
:il: Jerusalem, Israel 1999

The last year of the 90's was a turning point in Eurovision since more and more contemporary sounding songs took part. Whilst it was a very competitive year, I think that we also got some horrible entries such as Norway or Ireland. Croatia is my favourite by miles and I really think that the German entry was really smart/clever that year. Poland just missed my Top 10 due to non-memorable verses. Whilst I appreciate Dino's attempt to create something unique (a mixture of modern and ethnic sounds), I think that he should have got rid off the "raping parts".

:12: :hr: Doris Dragović - Marija Magdalena
:10: :is: Selma - All Out Of Luck
:8: :de: Sürpriz - Reise nach Jerusalem - Kudüs'e seyahat
:7: :se: Charlotte Nilsson - Take Me To Your Heaven
:6: :il: Eden - Yom Huledet (Happy Birthday)
:5: :nl: Marlayne - One Good Reason
:4: :ba: Dino & Béatrice Putnici
:3: :dk: Trine Jepsen & Michael Teschl - This Time I Mean It
:2: :pl: Mieczysław Szcześniak - Przytul mnie mocno
:1: :at: Bobbie Singer - Reflection

Current all-time ranking:
:il: 18 [2x]
:is: 18 [2x]
:pl: 17 [3x]
:hr: 17 [2x]
:cy: 13 [2x]
:sl: 12 [2x]
:uk: 12 [2x]
:pt: 10 [1x]
:nl: 9 [2x]
:de: 9 [2x]
:it: 7 [1x]
:sk: 7 [1x]
:se: 7 [1x]
:hu: 4 [1x]
:ba: 4 [1x]
:ie: 3 [1x]
:dk: 3 [1x]
:tr: 2 [1x]
:mt: 1 [1x]
:at: 1 [1x]
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December 23, 2018
:se: Stockholm, Sweden 2000

2000 is an important year in Eurovision since the first official compilation got released and I have to admit that this has a huge impact on me as a fan since I can always go back listening to these tracks and that's probably why a few changes in my top can occur from time to time. However, "Fly On The Wings Of Love" is one of the most impactful winning entries of all-time. They still play it on German radio stations occasionally and I believe that it has become such an iconic classic! - "My Star" is a lovely throwback entry. Such a great tune! - 2000 is also the year in which Russia proved that it's there to win it. The country brought a quality Bubblegum Pop entry to the contest and ended up being #2 (Top 5 in my ranking!).

:12: :dk: Olsen Brothers - Fly on the Wings of Love
:10: :lv: Brainstorm - My Star
:8: :hr: Goran Karan - Kad zaspu anđeli
:7: :ee: Ines - Once In A Lifetime
:6: :ru: Alsou - Solo
:5: :nl: Linda Wagenmakers - No Goodbyes
:4: :is: August & Telma - Tell Me!
:3: :se: Roger Pontare - When Spirits Are Calling My Name
:2: :no: Charmed - My Heart Goes Boom
:1: :de: Stefan Raab - Wadde hadde dudde da?

Current all-time ranking:
:hr: 25 [3x]
:is: 22 [3x]
:il: 18 [2x]
:pl: 17 [3x]
:dk: 15 [2x]
:nl: 14 [3x]
:cy: 13 [2x]
:sl: 12 [2x]
:uk: 12 [2x]
:de: 10 [3x]
:se: 10 [2x]
:pt: 10 [1x]
:lv: 10 [1x]
:it: 7 [1x]
:sk: 7 [1x]
:ee: 7 [1x]
:ru: 6 [1x]
:hu: 4 [1x]
:ba: 4 [1x]
:ie: 3 [1x]
:tr: 2 [1x]
:no: 2 [1x]
:mt: 1 [1x]
:at: 1 [1x]
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December 23, 2018
:dk: Copenhagen, Denmark 2001

2001 was the year when my mother allowed me to make my first phone call for a Eurovision entry. I picked the phone to cast a vote for Slovenia which totally got me excited as a kid. It's still one of my favourite entries from that country but in retrospect, I enjoy listening to Spain a bit more. I'd say it's more timeless and it was exactly what people were expecting from Spain. 2001 saw the first glipmse of glorious Greece and I was even very proud of the German respresentative, Michelle, who was vocally stunning (maybe the best of the whole night!). It's still a mystery how Estonia won and Denmark ended up being second, though.

:12: :es: David Civera - Dile que la quiero
:10: :sl: Nuša Derenda - Energy
:8: :gr: Antique - Die For You
:7: :de: Michelle - Wer Liebe lebt
:6: :mt: Fabrizio Faniello - Another Summer Night
:5: :il: Tal Sundak - Ein davar
:4: :ee: Tanel Padar & Dave Benton - Everybody
:3: :tr: Sedat Yüce - Sevgiliye Son
:2: :pt: MTM - Só Sei Ser Feliz Assim
:1: :se: Friends - Listen To Your Heartbeat

Current all-time ranking:
:hr: 25 [3x]
:il: 23 [3x]
:sl: 22 [3x]
:is: 22 [3x]
:de: 17 [4x]
:pl: 17 [3x]
:dk: 15 [2x]
:nl: 14 [3x]
:cy: 13 [2x]
:uk: 12 [2x]
:pt: 12 [2x]
:es: 12 [1x]
:se: 11 [3x]
:ee: 11 [2x]
:lv: 10 [1x]
:gr: 8 [1x]
:mt: 7 [2x]
:it: 7 [1x]
:sk: 7 [1x]
:ru: 6 [1x]
:tr: 5 [2x]
:hu: 4 [1x]
:ba: 4 [1x]
:ie: 3 [1x]
:no: 2 [1x]
:at: 1 [1x]
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December 23, 2018
:ee: Tallinn, Estonia 2002

I've always been struggling with ranking the entries from 2002 due to their mediocre performances, lack of substance, old-fashioned and generic sound as well as lazily-written and cheesy lyrics.
After the huge Bubblegum Pop era in the late 90's and early 00's, I was hoping for the likes of Britney, *Nsync, Backstreet Boys having an impact on Eurovision but unfortunately, 2002 didn't know how to craft any hits or memorable tunes. Personally, I think that Croatia, Russia, Denmark and Cyprus attempted to come up with such entries but apart from Croatia, none of these entries sounded competitive enough. Cyprus is a catchy bop but the pronunciation is a bit off-putting, the verses of Denmark are utterly horrendous and doesn't suit the quite memorable chorus and Russia sounded like a half-baked idea.
Anyway, even though I think that 2002 is the worst Eurovision edition I've watched, there are a few songs I like: :uk: was vocally stunning, a timeless ballad, :ee: is uplifting and cute, :mk: was basically the only daring and bold entry that year (music-wise), :at:'s chorus might have been lazily-written and monotonous but the song's production is top-notch (for 2002) and I love the verses.
I've never got the fuss about :mt: or :fr: but I have to admit that the performances were kinda on point (that's why I included France in former Top 10s of 2002 but seriously, this song bores me to death) - :mt: is way too girl-lish for my liking (and way too cheesy) but I had to include it into my top (as well as Lithuania and Latvia - which are listenable). Coming up with this countdown as well as watching all performances and listening to the compilation a few times made me realise that I was sleeping on :lt: and :ba: though. I like their funky nature!
:hr: got its second :12: !

:12: :hr: Vesna Pisarović - Everything I Want
:10: :ee: Sahlene - Runaway
:8: :at: Manuel Ortega - Say A Word
:7: :mk: Karolina - Od nas zavisi
:6: :uk: Jessica Garlick - Come Back
:5: :cy: One - Gimme
:4: :ba: : Maja - Na jastuku za dvoje
:3: :lv: Marie N - I Wanna
:2: :mt: Ira Losco - 7th Wonder
:1: :lt: Aivaras - Happy You

Current all-time ranking:
01 :hr: 37
02 :il: 23 [3x]
03 :sl: 22 [3x]
04 :is: 22 [3x]
05 :ee: 21 [3x]
06 :cy: 18 [3x]
07 :uk: 18 [3x]
08 :de: 17 [4x]
09 :pl: 17 [3x]
10 :dk: 15 [2x]
11 :nl: 14 [3x]
12 :lv: 13 [2x]
13 :pt: 12 [2x]
14 :es: 12 [1x]
15 :se: 11 [3x]
16 :mt: 9 [3x]
17 :at: 9[2x]
18 :ba: 8 [2x]
19 :gr: 8 [1x]
20 :it: 7 [1x]
21 :sk: 7 [1x]
22 :mk: 7 [1x]
23 :ru: 6 [1x]
24 :tr: 5 [2x]
25 :hu: 4 [1x]
26 :ie: 3 [1x]
27 :no: 2 [1x]
28 :lt: 1 [1x]
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December 23, 2018

Interesting list, but I strongly disagree with you on :fr:. For me this is the best and most beautiful song France has sent in the last twenty years.

Thanks for commenting ;) - I knew that my opinion on the French entry is quite unpopular. I simply can't get into it - to my ears, it sounds very dated and I can't get into the song's melody as well - when it comes to ballads, I usually prefer the ridiculously dramatic (a la Albania 2019, Croatia 2009) or the melancholic, simple ones (like Azerbaijan 2014).

Stay tuned to see some French entries smashing on my countdown(s), though xheart


December 23, 2018
:lv: Riga, Latvia 2003

2003 is probably my second favourite edition of the 00's. It's definitely more diverse than the previous year and we've seen more bold, unique, ethnic or modern sounding entries. Personally, I think that this year was the beginning of a new era (just look at the flawless winner from Turkey which brought us a female-led ethno-bop in English...such entries dominated Eurovision for almost a decade!).
Also, the voting hasn't been THAT exciting ever since (probably before coming up with the new voting system in 2016).
Most outrageous outcome of 2003: No points from :ie: or :uk: to :ru: - and :ru: giving zero to :pl: despite Poland singing some parts in Russian.
Trivia: 2003 marks the year in which Germany submitted its last entry penned by Ralph Siegel.

:12: :ru: t.A.T.u. - Ne Ver', Ne Boysia
:10: :hr: Claudia Beni - Više nisam tvoja
:8: :is: Brigitta - Open Your Heart
:7: :tr: Sertab Erener - Everyway That I Can
:6: :es: Beth - Dime
:5: :be: Uran Trad - Sanomi
:4: :pl: Ich Troje - Keine Grenzen – Żadnych Granic
:3: :at: Alf Poier - Weil der Mensch zählt
:2: :ie: Mickey Harte - We’ve Got the World
:1: :se: Fame - Give Me Your Love

Current all-time ranking:
01 :hr: 47
02 :is: 30 [4x]
03 :il: 23 [3x]
04 :sl: 22 [3x]
05 :pl: 21 [4x]
06 :ee: 21 [3x]
07 :cy: 18 [3x]
08 :uk: 18 [3x]
09 :ru: 18 [2x]
10 :es: 18 [2x]
11 :de: 17 [4x]
12 :dk: 15 [2x]
13 :nl: 14 [3x]
14 :lv: 13 [2x]
15 :se: 12 [4x]
16 :at: 12 [3x]
17 :tr: 12 [3x]
18 :pt: 12 [2x]
19 :mt: 9 [3x]
20 :ba: 8 [2x]
21 :gr: 8 [1x]
22 :it: 7 [1x]
23 :sk: 7 [1x]
24 :mk: 7 [1x]
25 :ie: 5 [2x]
26 :be: 5 [1x]
27 :hu: 4 [1x]
28 :no: 2 [1x]
29 :lt: 1 [1x]


December 23, 2018
:tr: Istanbul, Turkey 2004

2004 marked the beginning of the "modern era" of Eurovision due to being more inclusive and diverse since the semi finals got introduced and allowed 36 countries to participate and we saw so many debuts and returning countries! Exciting times!
Personally, I think that 2004 was quite a strong year with many impressive vocal performances, memorable choreography and catchy bops. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware that the semi finals did exist and missed on so many great opportunities! After getting access to the Internet in late 2007, I was able to watch the semis back in 2008! Thus, I just learnt that there were many more songs available after buying the compilations (my first one was back in 2010 after Lena's victory!).

Anyway, apart from :ad: not making it, I think that the finalists were very well-deserved although I occasionally am amazed by Belarus' bold choice (not saying it's good, though).

When I was a kid (I was watching the ESC with my two best friends and their families (and mine) at that time and we had a huge ESC party) and we favoured :ua: by miles (whilst our parents wanted to see ::sbm win). After getting more familiar with the English language, I kind of started to dislike "Wild Dances" due to "unrecognizable lines". I just found out recently that it was meant to sound like that in the first place (the "Shi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-na" parts) and finally, I was able to absolutely adore the entry I initially had voted for as a kid. Still, "Lane Moje" has won my heart over the years. Btw, I will treat it as a :rs: entry on my list (whilst ::sbm 2005 will be Montenegrin in my books if it's going to end up being part of my Top 10 of that respective year) since the jury members of Beovizija & Evropesma followed their patriotic interests anyway + both artists's nationalities can be described as such nowadays.

Most shocking placing: :be: - It was hyped in the German press, I absolutely adore it (what a banger!)
Disappointing performance: :pl: unfortunately. I love the studio version (the intro is so freaking good!) and Blue Café is such a big name...
Notable mention: Deen's song was a bop, probably my #11. :tr: got one of the best host entries in history

Btw, I've tried to purchase a final "Eurovision version" of "Wild Dances" on iTuens but I couldn't find any. Does an English/Ukrainian studio version exist of this song? Or did she just altered the lyrics on the Eurovision stage?

:12: :rs: Željko Joksimović & Ad-Hoc Orchestra - Lane Moje
:10: :ua: Ruslana - Wild Dances
:8: :is:Jónsi - Heaven
:7: :pl: Blue Café - Love Song
:6: :be: Xandee - 1 Life
:5: :tr: Athena - For Real
:4: :es: Ramón - Para llenarme de ti
:3: :se: Lena Philipsson - It Hurts
:2: :uk: James Fox - Hold On To Our Love
:1: :ad: Marta Roure - Jugarem a estimar-nos

Current all-time ranking:
01 :hr: 47
02 :is: 38 [5x]
03 :pl: 28 [5x]
04 :il: 23 [3x]
05 :es: 22 [3x]
06 :sl: 22 [3x]
07 :ee: 21 [3x]
08 :uk: 20 [4x]
09 :cy: 18 [3x]
10 :ru: 18 [2x]
11 :de: 17 [4x]
12 :tr: 17 [4x]
13 :se: 15 [5x]
14 :dk: 15 [2x]
15 :nl: 14 [3x]
16 :lv: 13 [2x]
17 :at: 12 [3x]
18 :pt: 12 [2x]
19 :rs: 12 [1x]
20 :be: 11 [2x]
21 :ua: 10 [1x]
22 :mt: 9 [3x]
23 :ba: 8 [2x]
24 :gr: 8 [1x]
25 :it: 7 [1x]
26 :sk: 7 [1x]
27 :mk: 7 [1x]
28 :ie: 5 [2x]
29 :hu: 4 [1x]
30 :no: 2 [1x]
31 :lt: 1 [1x]
32 :ad: 1 [1x]
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December 23, 2018
:ua: Kyiv, Ukraine 2005

2005 was the second year (the first one being 2003 and t.A.T.u.) that I was aware of one of my favourite artists being about to represent another country but my own. I was a huge Vanilla Ninja fan. A massive one. I even saw them live (one of my first live experiences) and "Cool Vibes" is probably my favourite song by them and I strongly believe that Vanilla Ninja had some impact on me having turned into an avid fan of Symphonic Metal. I mean, we have the symphonic and rock elements/even some choir in there.
I was so sure of them being my #1 but then :gr: did happen and blew me away. One of the most iconic winning entries ever! Also, :il: was exceptionally stunning. I always want to place :ch: on top but I fail to do so because the previously mentioned entries were just too perfect! I'm afraid I would have placed :lb: in my Top 3 as well. What a huge loss for the Eurovision community... Of course, I don't want any racist players in the game not even allowing to broadcast a wonderful song as part of a peaceful music competition on national TV but the the Lebanese entry was just amazing.

Still mad at :pl: and :is: not making it + :by: was iconic (an iconic and trashy fail but damn, I love it!)

notable mentions: :ie:, :uk:, :sl: (they all deserved so much more!) and :no:

:12: :gr: Helena Paparizou - My Number One
:10: :il: Shiri Maimon - HaSheket SheNish'ar (The Silent That Remains)
:8: :ch: Vanilla Ninja - Cool Vibes
:7: :pl: Ivan& Delfin - Czarna Dziewczyna
:6: :hr: Boris Novković - Vukovi umiru sami (feat. Lado Members)
:5: :hu: Nox - Forogj, világ!
:4: :is: Selma - If I Had Your Love
:3: :me: No Name - Zauvijek moja
:2: :ro: Luminița Anghel & Sistem - Let Me Try
:1: :by: Angelica Agurbash - Love Me Tonight

Current all-time ranking:
01 :hr: 53
02 :is: 42 [6x]
03 :pl: 35 [6x]
04 :il: 33 [4x]
05 :es: 22 [3x]
06 :sl: 22 [3x]
07 :ee: 21 [3x]
08 :uk: 20 [4x]
09 :gr: 20 [2x]
10 :cy: 18 [3x]
11 :ru: 18 [2x]
12 :de: 17 [4x]
13 :tr: 17 [4x]
14 :se: 15 [5x]
15 :dk: 15 [2x]
16 :nl: 14 [3x]
17 :lv: 13 [2x]
18 :at: 12 [3x]
19 :pt: 12 [2x]
20 :rs: 12 [1x]
21 :be: 11 [2x]
22 :ua: 10 [1x]
23 :mt: 9 [3x]
24 :hu: 9 [2x]
25 :ba: 8 [2x]
26 :ch: 8 [1x]
27 :it: 7 [1x]
28 :sk: 7 [1x]
29 :mk: 7 [1x]
30 :ie: 5 [2x]
31 :me: 3 [1x]
32 :no: 2 [1x]
33 :ro: 2 [1x]
34 :lt: 1 [1x]
35 :ad: 1 [1x]
36 :by: 1 [1x]
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February 28, 2018
:ua: Kyiv, Ukraine 2005

2005 was the second year (the first one being 2003 and t.A.T.u.) that I was aware of one of my favourite artists being about to represent another country but my own. I was a huge Vanilla Ninja fan. A massive one. I even saw them live (one of my first live experiences) and "Cool Vibes" is probably my favourite song by them and I strongly believe that Vanilla Ninja had some impact on me having turned into an avid fan of Symphonic Metal. I mean, we have the symphonic and rock elements/even some choir in there.
I was so sure of them being my #1 but then :gr: did happen and blew me away. One of the most iconic winning entries ever! Also, :il: was exceptionally stunning. I always want to place :ch: on top but I fail to do so because the previously mentioned entries were just too perfect! I'm afraid I would have placed :lb: in my Top 3 as well. What a huge loss for the Eurovision community... Of course, I don't want any racist players in the game not even allowing to broadcast a wonderful song as part of a peaceful music competition on national TV but the the Lebanese entry was just amazing.

Still mad at :pl: and :is: not making it + :by: was iconic (an iconic and trashy fail but damn, I love it!)

notable mentions: :ie:, :uk:, :sl: (they all deserved so much more!) and :no:

:12: :gr: Helena Paparizou - My Number One
:10: :il: Shiri Maimon - HaSheket SheNish'ar (The Silent That Remains)
:8: :ch: Vanilla Ninja - Cool Vibes
:7: :pl: Ivan& Delfin - Czarna Dziewczyna
:6: :hr: Boris Novković - Vukovi umiru sami (feat. Lado Members)
:5: :hu: Nox - Forogj, világ!
:4: :is: Selma - If I Had Your Love
:3: :me: No Name - Zauvijek moja
:2: :ro: Luminița Anghel & Sistem - Let Me Try
:1: :by: Angelica Agurbash - Love Me Tonight

Current all-time ranking:
01 :hr: 53
02 :is: 42 [6x]
03 :pl: 35 [6x]
04 :il: 33 [4x]
05 :es: 22 [3x]
06 :sl: 22 [3x]
07 :ee: 21 [3x]
08 :uk: 20 [4x]
09 :gr: 20 [2x]
10 :cy: 18 [3x]
11 :ru: 18 [2x]
12 :de: 17 [4x]
13 :tr: 17 [4x]
14 :se: 15 [5x]
15 :dk: 15 [2x]
16 :nl: 14 [3x]
17 :lv: 13 [2x]
18 :at: 12 [3x]
19 :pt: 12 [2x]
20 :rs: 12 [1x]
21 :be: 11 [2x]
22 :ua: 10 [1x]
23 :mt: 9 [3x]
24 :hu: 9 [2x]
25 :ba: 8 [2x]
26 :ch: 8 [1x]
27 :it: 7 [1x]
28 :sk: 7 [1x]
29 :mk: 7 [1x]
30 :ie: 5 [2x]
31 :me: 3 [1x]
32 :no: 2 [1x]
33 :ro: 2 [1x]
34 :lt: 1 [1x]
35 :ad: 1 [1x]
36 :by: 1 [1x]

Vanilla Ninja - Cool Vibes is one of my all-time favorite entry ever. One of the rare songs I still listen to! xheart
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