Celia, to illustrate what I tell you, she gave an interview to the AFP (French press Agency) for her 2nd album coming now. She was also on TV tonight after being absent for a very long time :
Zaz: "être heureux, c'est déjà un vrai acte politique" - Le Nouvel Observateur
I give you the most interisting part :
Her success has been also violent. Zaz was laughed at for her idealism, looks, clothes...
"Criticism, judging are good, it brings you forward. But criticism only mean, I can't understand. It hurt me a lot. I had the feeling I had to justify who I am, all the time", she says.
2 years ago, she said she wanted a long break, and she wasn't sure to feel like carrying on like this.
However Zaz disappeared only six months after her tour, to record her 2nd album.
Her concerts abroad made her wonderful : "Japan, Russia, Turkey, Poland, Czech Republicc, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ukraine, the USA, London". She speaks about a "crazy welcoming, almost more than in France".
(Then they speak about her enormous sellings, especially in Germany, and now she has success in South America and Africa).
Today, the young woman is 33 and said to be "calmed down" and "clear with herself".
(Eventually, they speak about her envolvement in charity and her dislike in being part of the mediatic circus. She sells goodies for an association for alternative economy and cooperation.