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Eurovision 2019 In Rewind


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Looking for a thread to give your (final) opinions, reviews, thoughts or whatever on Eurovision 2019? This is the place to be for you! :lol:
What did you think of Israel as a host? Did you like the technical aspects of the shows? What will live on in your memory? Are you happy with the results? What do you think about the interval acts? Was Madonna`s performance tragic or embarrassingly tragic? Were you happy with how the voting played out? Would you like some salt for your steak and some cheese to your w(h)ine?
Let`s talk about whatever you can come up with! Europe, start discussing/reviewing now!


Well-known member
December 6, 2014
For me it was an average show. i did not like the venue and the stage nor the hosts. the openings were quite nice and the interval acts in the semis. the interval in the final was way too long and boring. Nettas song is really not something that 120 Mio want to listen to. And Madonnas performance was one of the worst in that night. songwise it was a poor year. hope next year we will get a great show from the netherlands.


February 18, 2018
I liked the younger male host. I dream of him every night. But the camerawork this year was dreadful, what a mess.


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
There has been serious technical issues which led the EBU staff to go wild and give directions to the jurors what to consider and what not while rating, which was unforgiveable. But despite of that, from the aspect of audience, Israeli hosting was delightful. The stage let the artists have a chance to bring out magnificent performances for each. I can claim it one of my favourite stages.

Most of opening ceremonies and interval acts were nowhere close being boring. The Israeli hosts were nice too, maybe except Assi Azar, not because of him personally but because of his scripts. He looked like an absolute mad gay man who has only sex appeal to talk about for approaching men, and I find it extremely repellent. I think my favourite was Bar Refaeli. She was quite nice.

Song-wise, during the first half of the season, judging the submitted songs, this year looked like it was going to be the worst edition in years. But the second half changed everything. In conclusion, this edition was one of the most remarkable ones to remember. I loved most of acts, and qualifiers were almost entirely for my taste, although there has been some sad farewells. But compared to previous years, this year was the closest one to my ideal one.

If only we could prevent dramas. Many of them were caused by EBU itself. It looks like they try to prevent catastrophe in the last minute, only until they mess up even worse.

List of EBU behaviour this year that can't even be possibly considered reasonable:
* Not letting Norway perform for a second time during the jury final despite of the technical issues
* But letting Bjorkman get involved and give directions to SF2 jurors on what to judge, in favor of Sweden of course
* Changing the order of final scoreboards revealing once again to use artists as puppets to get attention on ratings. Not only are we unable to tell what is the televote order without checking on the internet later (because the order is now entirely based on how juries rate), but also giving embarrasing moments to artists during the results.
"Sorry Germany, you received 0 points from audience. You could see this without forcing us point out millions of people out there, but we just have to remind you with this new system."
"Speaking of which, John from Sweden, we have been giving you a false hope that you could actually win the entire time, only to show people out there how shocked and frustrated you become once you hear how you actually ended up within televote. Well, you may not forget it for a long time, but this is what we call "exciting" as Jon Ola Sand said, so it is all worth hurting you."
I don't want to be shocked, I want artists not feel humaliated.

In conclusion, I can say despite of EBU, this year was a great one thanks to performers and Israeli stage.


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Absolutely loved Eurovision 2019, my favourite ESC in years. In fact, it probably ranks third for me after 2006 and 2013. Great hosting this year, and the songs have been brilliant (perhaps the best selection ever). To top it off, a great talent with a brilliant song took the crown.

I have not been a fan of the voting since it switched to the new style the other year, however I have to say that this year's voting (well the televoting, anyway) was brilliant. So tense! (... and I didn't even see it live, so I already sorta knew the result lol). A big improvement by announcing in order of the previous jury voting scores, it keeps the tension going.

Tel Aviv 2019 got bigger viewing figures in the United Kingdom than the previous two Eurovision's!

Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
it was probably the worst eurovision i've ever seen, technically speaking.

song wise, not the best, but not the worst. the first half of the show was kind of choices, but the second half xheat i was slayed.

hosts were okay. postcards were great. the mentalist was cringeworthy.

and i prefer the voting how it was before. as some people said before, it kind of took away norway's moment.

also it was too long.

that being said, it's not the worst eurovision of the decade, but ever since i started watching it in 2014, it's the one i'm missing the least.


February 26, 2016
Though, for me, it was one of the worst ESCs this decade overall songwise it has at least my best top 5* ever. I don't think there was ever a year where I liked all of the first five.

*/edit: even Top 7 I just discovered! :eek:


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
The Hosts were ok. I already forgot about them, but they did their Duty.

The Intervalacts were mostly bad. And it was too much. No Word about Madonna.

The Production was horrible. What they did to :ee: in the Final and to :no: in the DR was pathetic. Too much Wideshots, especially during the polish Performance it was horrible.

The Juries were mostly ok. I dont agree with :se::mk:, but they cant please us all. Would be nice if the Juries from the Ex-Udssr Countries and the Balkans would finally start respecting this Tournament and vote unpolitically like here in western and northern Europe. Its always the Same Countries who throw a bad Light at the Juries in General. The belarussian Jury should never have been excluded for their harmless delict. Everyone who is responsible for the wrong Fakevoting from Belarus, should be fired. This is really embarrasing.

The Results were one of the best in the 2010s. Switch :se: with :no: and we have the strongest Top5 of all Time.

The Presentation of the Televotes was better from 2016-18.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
It turned out to be a very strong year with there being a «clear» top ten in the end with only 80 points between 3rd and 9th

Televote was too cruel to Sweden, but I’m really glad John came 5th in the end because as Ingeborg Heldal said in «Adresse Tel Aviv», the song is a «tribute to life itself» xlovexmusic

I’ve listened the most to Cyprus and Malta after the contest and both deserved better, but some things about their performances didn’t work I guess which is a pity


February 6, 2019
West Cornwall
I thought overall it was a bit of a weak year, but so was 2017 and 2014 I REALLY don't like. The results were the same as usual, some I agree with and some I don't. North Macedonia getting their best result was a nice surprise even though it wasn't that high on my ranking. Plus I thought Madonna's performance was a bit weird to watch in the middle of the night and of course was bad as well.


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Televote was too cruel to Sweden, but I’m really glad John came 5th in the end because as Ingeborg Heldal said in «Adresse Tel Aviv», the song is a «tribute to life itself» xlovexmusic

Wouldnt you rather see Norway in the Top5 instead of Sweden?


Well-known member
September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
For me 2019 was one of the weaker years. My personal favourite won for the first time since 2010, but otherwise I liked only 5-6 other songs completely. When it comes to the hosts I only liked Bar, Azzi was also ok but sometimes a bit to hyperactive to me. Erez on the other side came across as a serious news presnter who tries to be funny but fails hard, and Lucy was basically useless in my opinion.


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
I liked the live shows we got and strongly DISLIKED the production behind it. Poor organization and hosting both, and aside from that one Israeli soap opera actress who hosted the ~Orange~ Carpet, it's not even fun incompetence that I can gratifyingly dismantle with words. Bah. It's not a bad year of Eurovision because the song quality and staging were aight, which is what I care about most, but 2019 could've been a lot better without the backstage omnishambles and Christer collusion.
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