Now that NF season is over, NF’s discarded favourites are safely and peacefully playing on everyone’s playlists and hot indignation has melted down, it’s time to come to terms with what one has been left with. Surprise surprise, it’s not too bad after all.
This is my ranking for 2014, and why.
1 Norway
A masterpiece on melancholy, it's not often we get to experience such an honest display of despair. His apparent fragility on stage only makes it more genuine. Highly emotional, yet beautifully restrained.
2 Armenia
Can you have an explosive, over the top drama and still keep it contemporaneous, fresh, tasteful and sincere? Sure. Armenia's just shown us how it's done.
3 Italy
A piece of good solid catchy rock sung in a strong raspy voice that would sound and look well anywhere. Very un-ESC and native language too!
4 Albania
Probably the most beautiful melody in this year's contest, with almost spellbound quality to it. Unconventional song structure, dramatic pace, wonderful singing voice. Sadly, English and new arrangements have toned it down. Could have been number one with me.
5 Azerbaijan
Intimate, haunting and sophisticated. It lacks an obvious hook, but hooks are for ordinary songs. This is like an extraordinarily beautiful woman who doesn't need to go out there looking for admirers. She only has to languidly lie there somewhere and they will come to her.
6 Sweden
If you have to have a good old fashioned power ballad Celine Dion style you should at least bear in mind the following: a) get a pleasant melody; b) don't rely on vocal gymnastics alone; c) add an interesting twist. Sweden's done all that. Pastoras, Garipovas, Lorenzos of this world, you should listen and learn!
7 Poland
This competition is in desperate need of being reminded that there are several distinct cultures featuring in it. Poland has just said NO to globalization and boy, have they said it in style!
8 Switzerland
Fresh and original, this is slightly provocative yet remarkably unpretentious. It is good and makes you feel great. The whistling bits are probably the catchiest thing in this contest.
9 Ukraine
The only decent piece of uptempo pop present in this contest. It's catchy, it's melodic and it's frivolous without being cheap. Not great, not special, but it serves its purposes. Back in December I feared this might end up in my top 10 should ESC follow its usual mysterious routes and alas, here we find it!
10 Hungary
This is an unusually good, mainstream-ish and modern song for ESC, melodically speaking, but it is just crying out for more sincerity out of its interpreter. Voice isn't everything. If you're singing something like this you have to look like you mean it. Also, I don't expect songs to have a message, in fact I don't even like them to very much. But I like words to be cleverly and tastefully interwoven together, whatever their meaning. This is not doing it.
11 Germany
What the heck is this doing in my top 11? It is interesting, the singing is kinda different from the rest of the mob, there's a certain jazzy feel to it. Do I like very much? Not really. Do I want to move it back? Sure! Who will I place first then? Well, no one that I can think of.... Damn Mr Gerbear!
12 Russia
Yes, I'm embarrassed. But this is simply so uplifting and it builds up so nicely I just can't stop wanting to listen to it. Girls are lovely too even though there's too much pink all around and behind them. Think it's the first time I ever liked a song named
Shine. I'm definitely getting on.
13 Moldova
If you're aiming at the real Bond effect you totally have to go No Mercy on it. There's no going around being all mellow and soft about it. And she does, she´s truly merciless. I like it. She just needs to belt it out completely on the stage.
14 Greece
The one piece of mandatory rap of this year’s edition is surprisingly fresh and catchy. The intro is very dramatic and grabs you by the throat, and the saxos make up for a somewhat cheaper melody later on. In all honesty the whole thing is deliciously instant and joyful and makes you wanna jump around and dance. Lead singer needs to improve his vocals though.
15 Estonia
Ordinary and somewhat dated dance track form the 90s, very well sung and brilliantly performed. Performance is master here, song is just the slave. Everyone has said it before, I'm just repeating it, but one has to aknowledge this one simple truth: we are all gonna be amazed despite the aim of this contest.
16 Denmark
Contemporaneous and cheerful Bruno Mars inspired song. Should stand out, but oddly enough nobody's talking about it. The singer is extremely good, as this is not as easy as it seems. Sadly, he lacks charisma. The best Danish entry I can recall.
17 Iceland
English has given this a new breath of life. It’s energetic and fun, it’s catchy and it stands out, the
papapapapapa is an interesting twist that will remain on everyone’s mind. However, it’s sort of classic Eurovision material by now. I wouldn’t vote for it. Will anyone?
18 Malta
This is pleasant, well crafted and very nicely sung. There’s an earnestness and commitment about it that feels strangely out of place though. This should feel lighter somehow.
19 Slovenia
This is nice and it features the magical flute, but it isn’t really a ballad, it lacks the thrilling element and doesn’t go anywhere. Very middle of the road and I can picture it being last.
20 Israel
I could never grasp the instant hot favouritism of this song in its NF and I still can’t. Chorus still feels awkward and puts me off, and there’s a vulgar vibe about the whole look of it which I find untasteful and almost repellent. There are some good parts in it though and the beginning is especially promising.
21 San Marino
This is old, yes, very old. Not an antique however, not something precious or valuable. No. This is like a family object, slightly tacky, moderately pretty, one has known since forever and cherishes for sentimental reasons. It’s pleasant and it feels comforting to have it round the place. Now and then you might feel compelled to hide it from visitors’ view though.
22 Montenegro
I love a good Balkan ballad just as much as the next man. Sure. Problem is, this one is not very good. You can find s
s of the real thing in it, instrumentation breaks in grandly once or twice, a Balkan language is used, melody’s cute-y. But it feels like the whole thing has been so watered down that all you get is this diluted version. Where’s the emotion? Where’s the flute FGS?
23 Belarus
Carefree, feel good, slightly naughty little tune, if not entirely always very professional. Singer is very likeable, but he must be on the watch not to over do it.
24 France
Can you really tell the difference between the French moustache and the Icelandic prejudice? Well, the former’s in French, obviously, and that’s in theory a plus. It does not however feature any
papapapas and is therefore much lamer. That is a big minus.
25 Macedonia
There’s nothing really wrong with this entry. Nothing remarkable about it either. I guess that when you find yourself with nothing to say it means you’ve just fully entered mild region, generic territory, bland land. Live performance was pretty embarrassing though.
26 Lithuania
I’m all for different but sadly, different is not all for me. I don’t think I really enjoy being yelled at for attention. My minds tends to wander off and in this case it always ends up somewhere else.
27 Latvia
Happy sing-a-long song, very catchy and easy to follow. This is the perfect children’s song and it should appeal massively to the very young and the extremely old. Whether the former are allowed to vote and the last can still manage a telephone is what remains to be seen. Will juries lap it up? The guy’s smile is scary and slightly reminiscent of Dr Gianlucca Bezzina’s from last year.
28 Georgia
It takes several listens for you to get this and when you finally get there you find out it wasn’t really worth the trouble. Interesting try, but it’s a fail.
29 Finland
Highschool is nothing but a distant memory for me now and I can’t help being amazed to find out there are still people going through that whole tiresome business. Really? Are they still at it? I wonder why they bother. This is so conventional and generic I just want to press next.
30 Ireland
This is Eurovision by numbers, but numbers have been telling us for some time now that this formula isn’t working anymore. It certainly doesn’t work for me.
31 Netherlands
Joan Franka first, now this. It looks like the dutch are strangely American obsessed. They are unfortunately not picking the best that culture has to offer. This is a sleeping pill someone forgot in the depths of some old purse.
32 Spain
Vocal gymnastics and no ear pleasing melody to keep it company? We’ve all seen it before and we aren’t impressed. This is as cold and uncomfortable as a naked foot set in a winter’s boot on freezing weather.
33 UK
Disjointed and aimless, this feels like they have picked several uninteresting songs and just stitched them together, and then gone and made it look like last year’s winner. Chorus is so typically England-at-ESC it makes me cringe. Lyrics feature such ridiculous pieces of mumbo jumbo as
we’re children of the universe and
power to the people. The people seem to like it though. This is the one song in this year’s edition that I’m not getting.
34 Austria
I’ve got no simpathy for fast, self proclaimed divas even if they’re wearing a fashionable beard. I’ve heard too many versions of this song before.
35 Romania
This goat cheese has gone stale. Gather the sheep and keep the videos coming. Nuff said.
36 Portugal
Home. Bitter home.
We too seem to have said NO to globalization but unlike Poland we made a mess of it. We're like the farmer who's showing off his crops by picking a rotten, shrivelled fruit. If we weren't so miserable, we might as well follow Azerbaijan's steps. Lyrics are appaling, not only because they're just plain silly, but
because the usage of the Portuguese language is actually awkward and downright bad. Singer is poor, melody is primitive. Why isn't this last then? Because it will at least get people to the dance floor and make them happy when they're intoxicated.
And because,
jaws will be dropping here, there's something worse.
37 Belgium
If you want to make a public announcement of something as simple and natural as the love of a son for his mother I’m sure you’ll want to keep it subtle, you’ll want to make it meaningful, you’ll want it to be beautiful, especially when you’re verging on middle age. Why the drama? What’s with the screaming? It is all a tad too sickly I’m afraid. One can picture old teddy bears on shabby satin bedcovers all over that household. Of course, I blame the Mother. She must have been the one who brought him up to such bad taste while she was feeding him chocolates.