Лиза ты грибами отравилась?
мы наваливаем бассс
[MENTION=15334]LastDreamer[/MENTION] это где это такие?
Загадка для фанатов Евровидения: в каком году серебро стало бронзовым?
форум нуждается в хороших русских и украинских песнях
привет, меня завут анита, я полька, а ты?
So I woke up today and suddenly decided to learn Russian. I started with letters, it's was confusing for my brain but I think I did ok. It still takes ages to read the whole article in Russian, but it's my first day of reading I can understand something because it is exactly the same as in Polish or very similar sounding. It's fun.
I was just so bored with English and German all the time.
I just came from Russia ... And Russian is really very complicated, but I can already say yes and no