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  • Hey Jim!!! (Your inbox is full, so I decided to post my message to you here....hope that's OK~)

    Once again, I have to Thank You for liking Our Entry in the spin-off this edition!! xlove
    Didn't do well at all compared to Waa Wei.....but that's OK~ I'm just happy that Wakin has made others fall in love with the song too~ xheart 8 points is beyond Amazing~ xlove xkiss
    Since this contest is all about sharing great Music, I thought I would share with you the Longer Dramatic Version of our Song this Edition too~ It may be a little hard to understand because there is no english sub-titles....but it's a pretty open-ended story it's open to any interpretation!! I'm just happy we can keep on sharing great music with each other~
    I hope you enjoy >___<

    With love from Taiwan,
    xheart xheart
    Simon xoxo
    Α μάλιστα!!!!

    Πάντως το κέντρο μ αρέσει πολύ!

    Ένας φίλος μου επίσης μένει Εύοσμο (με φιλοξενούσε στις αρχές) και μου άρεσε σχετικά κι αυτή η περιοχή!
    Ναι, κάτι έχω καταλάβει! :? όχι ότι έχω διάθεση να την εξερευνήσω κιόλας!

    Εσύ πού μένεις Θεσ/κη ;

    Τώρα που είμαι επάνω όταν βρω χρόνο από γράψιμο κτλ να κανονίσουμε καφέ! χιχι!
    Στο λέω εδώ τελικά κι όχι με π.μ.

    Φόινικα είναι ας πούμε η δουλειά μου, εγώ μένω Καλαμαριά! :mrgreen:
    Den ksero giati den erxetai auto to link me private message:Γιουροβίζιον_(αποσαφήνιση)
    Merci !
    Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to join another contest, I already have problem to follow FSC each month...
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