Salmon October 18, 2016 Thank you for participating in Congratulations. Your entry has been confirmed.
Ewigkeit February 6, 2013 I had to cheat because I couldn't find any Scottish Gaelic translator. Thanks I must say, my favourite Dal Riatan entry is Scotty Doesn't Know obviously. It's veeery underrated.
I had to cheat because I couldn't find any Scottish Gaelic translator. Thanks I must say, my favourite Dal Riatan entry is Scotty Doesn't Know obviously. It's veeery underrated.
Ewigkeit February 6, 2013 I'm not sure but it might be "Emery". 99 Luftballons? (Thanks to Irish Google Translate )
Ewigkeit February 5, 2013 Tha gu math, tapadh leat. YES! TEACH ME GAELIC. My name is Emre btw :K Calling me Ewigkeit is boog
strajker July 29, 2012 hey dal riata :O care to join msn nsc in zoidiac? :O come it's on msn DL is till 22.30 cet
MyHeartIsYours January 15, 2012 Hey, hope ur okay . I had a listen to the band & song on ur signature, I really love it! Are you in the band or is it just a local one around Mallaig?
Hey, hope ur okay . I had a listen to the band & song on ur signature, I really love it! Are you in the band or is it just a local one around Mallaig?
Salmon December 20, 2011 It's a great honour for me to find someone who knows the programming language Piet. xwoo