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Recent content by joao

  1. joao

    Portugal PORTUGAL 2023 - Mimicat - Ai Coração

    To me Claudia was the clear winner and she probably is going to make it. The performance is very strong and if she makes to eurovision she can place pretty high. April Ivy was a clear NQ. The voice wasn’t there, the choreography was odd. I appreciate the effort of bringing something like this...
  2. joao

    Portugal PORTUGAL 2023 - Mimicat - Ai Coração

    REALLY REALLY HAPPY with the FC line-up. The quality is improving as the years go by, and it's going to be 3 shows full of quality music. And RTP never disappoints with the graphics! Regarding the songs I have one major preference for eurovision: Bárbara Tinoco. It's a cutsy balad (that I...
  3. joao

    Armenia ARMENIA 2022 - Rosa Linn - Snap

    As an eurovision fan I actually feel insulted Armenia chose “Snap” over this. Like seriously?! This is waaaay better it would be a top 10 finish for sure
  4. joao

    EUROVISION 2022 - General Discussion Thread

    I’m actually glad eurovision week is finally over. I’m always incredibly stressed, my attention is only on eurovision, can’t focus on anything else, my sleep schedule is a mess… and now I have PEGFD (Post Eurovision Grand Final Depression). I bet I’m not the only one, am I right? xD Next year...
  5. joao

    Portugal PORTUGAL 2022 - Maro - Saudade, Saudade

    That is AMAZING and just comes to show that if RTP makes an effort eurovision can be a success. Obviously that is due to good eurovision results because it’s obvious that no one likes to see it’s country failing time and time again. Very excited to see what the future brings us <3
  6. joao

    Portugal PORTUGAL 2022 - Maro - Saudade, Saudade

    6 years since Festival da Cançao was renewed. 1 vitory, 1 top 10 and 1 top 12. Bravo RTP. BRAVO! And BRAVO MARO and the girls. Simply brilliant!
  7. joao


    Ukraine televote segment and RAI decides to show germany. #professionalismatitsbest
  8. joao


    Mika’s wearing the same suit. But now it was bleached. Call that recycling clothing
  9. joao

    Portugal PORTUGAL 2022 - Maro - Saudade, Saudade

    See?? Relax! And regardless of the final result I’m EXTREMELY proud of MARO
  10. joao

    Portugal PORTUGAL 2022 - Maro - Saudade, Saudade

    Guys relax ok? If we had a great result in the semis we will have one regardless of performing 3rd. Albania in 2012 performed 3rd and was 8th in the televote, 3rd with the jury and 5th overall. Take a chill pill guys. Let’s see what happens tonight.
  11. joao

    Spain SPAIN 2022 - Chanel - SloMo

    Yeah. She’s definitely winning it.
  12. joao


    This is pretty much the worst running order ever made in a contest history. Opening with Czech Republic and then having a pop song. Like: what? Spain, The Netherlands and Ukraine in a row? It’s so random. It looks like they’ve actually made a draw looool
  13. joao

    Portugal PORTUGAL 2022 - Maro - Saudade, Saudade

    We shouldn’t assume Maro hada bad score just because she was placed 3rd to perform. Czech Republic in2019 and Netherlands in 2016 performed 3rd and got 11th overall at the final.
  14. joao


    I actually think that Serbia's performance is great It has this "scary church vibe" mixed with yugoslavian graphic backgrounds. love the mix. VERY VERY COOL. Israel is without a doubt the 11th. Hurted by jury.
  15. joao


    I actually think that Serbia's performance is great It has this "scary church vibe" mixed with yugoslavian graphic backgrounds. love the mix. VERY VERY COOL. Israel is without a doubt the 11th. Hurted by jury.
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