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  • Aww, Peter must be your Hele! When I go to Croatia (hopefully next year), I will definitely visit both of you! Maybe if you're free, we can all go down to Split! I'm sure you and Hele will be AMAZING hosts! :D

    I'm going on a road trip tomorrow morning to Arizona to visit a high school friend. I'll be driving by myself for 5 hours! I'm excited to visit her :D. I'll tell you what happens. We're just friends and nothing more, I don't see myself dating her or anything. Even though our friends think that we would make a perfect couple xrofl3 xrolf3. But no, no way are we becoming a couple xrofl3. I'll let you know how the trip goes! I'm super excited to have fun :D

    I'll keep you updated about the study abroad possibility! We better visit Croatian clubs once I go to Zagreb!
    Hello Hello Isabella!

    First and foremost, is that your cat on your avatar?!? It looks really fierce and ready to claw someone :lol:. It's cute, needless to say :)

    Playing dirty!!!! :lol: I was thinking about bad bad things, just kidding xrofl3. In the Philippines almost the same things happen with the work force. My dad was telling me about his first job which he got thanks to his dad who was friends with his boss to be :lol:

    Talk about pressure! Being an Asian-American, perfection is expected not only by my parents but also by the society. When I talk to non-Asian-American friends they always say that OMG your life must be tough, you work harder than most of us just to be "normal" which would have been "exceptional" if I was lets say a Latino-American or some other race. It's tough, but whatever, I deal with it xrofl3
    Silly me, I wrote on my own profile :lol:

    Oh Isabella! I'm not going to Zagreb this year most probably, cause the flight is fricking expensive....
    But yeah, some day soon, suuure :p
    Well, I saw her today and she's happy. She says Croats are nice people and kinda similar to Spaniards in some things, just that they are much more nationalistic than us, especially in Zagreb. But she's enjoying a lot for sure.

    And BTW she told me that she is so tired of Severina in the discos and can't stand her
    For the rest is amazing
    to je jedan od razloga zasto sam sad bio odsutan zadnji put, ali mi se to posle pomesalo i sa problemima na faksu i na drugom forumu gde sam takodje moderator pa mi je trebao mali odbor, a i nisam imao mnogo izbora. U sustini, ja i ne krivim stomatologa, svi grese, bitno je da se sad ocisti, ali da je bilo bolno, bilo je.
    mada i ja tako izgubim volju nakon gomile prolivenog znoja, izgubim volju i za poslom iako sam dosta ambiciozan po tom pitanju, i imam planove za mozda i nesto vise :D A moj faks trenutno ide guravo, uglavnom cak i nema problema kod drugih predmeta, ali ima jedan predmet sa zadrljenim profesorom koji nas sve obara, i kojeg niko nista ne moze da razuma :lol: Taj je najgori profesor na fakultetu + u pitanju je najgori predmet. Kombinacija do bola :lol: Ne znam kako cu to proci....

    Ljubav nazalost jos uvek tapka u mestu :lol: A zadnja dva meseca se patim sa jednim zubom, stomatolog nije dobro ocistio kvar koji je bio prisutan prosle godine u istom zubu kad sam ga plombirao, i upalili su se kanali, natekle mi desni i toliko je to jako bolelo, da sam pio svake noci Brufen, i opet nisam mogao da spavam od bolova (ili spavam ono "tek-tek"). Imao sam i terapiju lekovima posle, pa jedno vreme kad mi bilo bolje, ja nisam pio, pa se povratilo sve u jos gorem stanju.........
    E najzad da se pogodi da budemo tu i ja i ti :D Sad valjda nece da se dogodi da ti nestanes, a ja se pojavim, ili obratno - ti budes tu a mene nema :lol:

    Jao zao mi je za prijateljicu :( Bas zalosno i steta sto nije uspela da se izbori sa bolescu. A mogu da mislim kako je bilo, jer sam i ja bio u takvim situacijama, kada mi je poginuo prijatelj u saobracajci kao i jedna poznanica. Iako je nisam poznavao, znao sam je iz vidjenja, a njena iznenadna smrt je vrlo snazan utisak ostavila na mene. Uvek je tako, pogotovo kod dobirh prijatelja, kao i rodbine. Normalno, ja takve stvari necu ni da pitam, ako mislis da ce ti biti lakse i zelis da se olaksas mozes preko PP, ja sam uvek tu za pomoc (koliko god mogu), ako ne, ne moras da kazes, jer postoje stvari koje se drugima ne govore. I najrodjenijima se ne kazu neke stvari, tako da je to potpuno razumljivo. Cestitam na zavrsenom faksu :D Bravo! Znaci, sad se ja sam mucim :lol: Ali sad tek pocinju nove brige kad zavrsis........
    Well, it's just a possibilitie.... I really would like to go because one of my friends is studying Erasmus in Zagreb. But I have another one in Holland and another one in Lisbon. So I can't go everywhere, not just because of the money (no low cost Madrid-Zagreb :( ), but also I have no time for everything..... :?
    Holland is sure because the girl who is there is my best friend of here, so I'm forced to go. Then if still I have money and time I'll go to Croatia. We'll see :)

    But anyways, Croatia won't be free of me. If it's not this year, it will be soon when I'll be bitching around in there :twisted:
    We will see who will kick asses here :twisted:

    I'm so happy you are back , Izzie!! :D
    You know I'm maybe going to Zagreb this year??? YAY :mrgreen:
    Yeah, Hele is such a sweet girl! OMG, over the summer we were talking non-stop. It's funny how you can have so much in common with a person thousand and thousands of miles away from you! :D :D. Yup, Croats are the best :D

    I'm currently applying for the program, the deadline is on the 17th of January. I'm planning to study in Lyon, France for a whole year (if I get enough scholarships). I'll make sure to visit you and Helena while I'm in Europe! You better be free to tour me around Zagreb :D :mrgreen:

    That usually happens with firefox and internet explorer. I recommend using google chrome on the forum because that never happens with google chrome
    So true! We're only in our 20's, we have enough time to really know what we want to do :D. In USA, there's so much pressure to know what I want to do. So, I do feel the pressure, especially from my parents :lol: xrofl3. They're like, oh you better know what you want to do with your life, and have a career started by the time you are 25. Soooo much pressure! SOOC. Also, who knows, I might end up working in the American embassy in Zagreb ;) :D.

    Yeah, I'm not too worried about not finding the right person. I know I will find her (or maybe she's already near me but I fail to recognize that fact), but you know the feeling how when your friends are in a relationship, you want to be in a relationship too xrofl3 xrofl3. For me, I tend to be nice and understanding, but I do have moments when I'm just totally pushy and want everything my way. I know it's bad, but sometimes it happens.

    I would never forget the cinema guy!!! :lol:. Wow, I guess yeah, he was just confused!
    Here it's almost the same, it's super hard to find a job related to my degree with just a bachelor's degree. My professors and academic advisers recommend that I do masters or PhD programs if I want a job or research related to our degree. Well, I'm happy that you found a job! From what I've heard, it's really hard to get a job in Croatia nowadays. Good luck with your job and your political aspirations! Btw why don't you like your degree anymore? :(

    Law programs here usually don't offer big scholarships and federal study grants. So, if I were to do it, it would be around $40,000 a year + living expenses. That's just too much money to spend for a degree. :eek: :eek:. For most of masters degrees and PhD degrees, there are a lot of federal grants and scholarships. So, I think I could afford it a little bit more.
    Over the summer Hele and I became really good friends through the forum! We organized Idealvision together and an FSC spin-off together. We're practically online best friends now! Gosh, Croatian people are amazing :D xheart
    I'm really sorry to hear about your best friend :( :(. And congratulations on getting your Bachelors degree! xcheers xcheer. By the way, are you still planning on studying law? (See, I remember things too ;)) Or are you now working? For me, I changed my plans! I'm thinking about studying diplomacy and international relation. So, I could work in consulates :D

    As for the girl, I gave up on that girl. We lost interest in each other, we were great back in May and June, but during the summer we drifted apart. Oh well, not a big issue :lol:. Right now, I just want a nice girl by my side without drama and without tension :lol:. I'll find her soon enough :lol:

    Any new guys for you? (new mr. couple's sofa in cinema? :rolleyes: :mrgreen:)
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