At the press center and inside the arena, we have had the pleasure of watching the first and second rehearsals of the first semi-final acts.
Individually, we have compiled our predictions ranked from 1 to 18 for Semi-Final 1. We then compiled our predictions to make one team prediction. Note that this is based upon solely the rehearsals. We will provide another final prediction after the jury show on Monday night.
DISCLAIMER: These are our predictions!!! This does not reflect our personal taste or represents the team of ESC United.
Well…this is much more interesting than our predictions for Semi-Final 1…there is not as much consensus.
First off, Bulgaria is the predicted winner for the team and for 7 of us on the team. The sole exception was Matt who believes The Netherlands will pull the upset.
Early favorite FYR Macedonia, like Belgium in Semi-Final 1, had a fall from grace. Only two team members believe they will qualify and overall as a team, we believe it will finish 12th. Despite the struggles Serbia had in rehearsals, we believe they will barely squeak by, although 4 of us think they will not qualify.
Although Lithuania is predicted by 6 of us to finish last, as a team we believe it will finish in 16th as Matt thinks it’ll finish in 11th and Christian believes it will finish 5th (shocker!!!). Sadly, taking up last are fan favorite Valentina Monetta, who alongside Jimmie Wilson, is representing San Marino. However, many of us believe that any one of these 8 non-qualifiers can definitely sneak in depending on how the jurors and televoters assess the performances. It is so hard to call!
In reality, what is just as important, if not more, are your votes as members of the televoting audience. What do you think? Let us know on the forums!
Stay tuned for the upcoming readers Poll where you get to pick your Top 10 and predicts who qualifies and who goes home.