The runner up of 1995 Eurovision Song Contest edition with “vuelve conmigo” (come back to me) has launched her new project. “Toda una mujer”, which translated in English means “a truly woman”, has been chosen as the title of her album after years of silence. Her new album has been recorded by the label Feel noise. The reason why her fans have been waiting for her new project has been the meetings that she had to do with labels to let her music be played once again. During the last two years, she has been receiving financial support by crowdfunding to make her professional career to continue.

Anabel, known among the Spanish supporters of the European song contest for her unique voice offers the chance to obtain her new album in digital or physical format. What can be found in “Toda una mujer” is a combination of different styles such as ballads or R&B among many others. A total of twelve tracks have been recorded. Among the songs that are included in her new album, Anabel opens borders to the world wide market performing two songs in English. Taking a look at her newest tracks, we can find “Paraíso” (Paradise), a tribute to Andalucía, the region where is she from, performing the song with her sister Cristina. The Spanish singer is conscious of the Eurovision fever, that’s why she includes two songs with an ESC touch.Both songs are Sin miedos (without fears), her bid for Eurovision 2010 besides her version of It’s for you (Sense tu), the Andorran 2006 entry.

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