Continuing our interviews for Eurovizija.LT we grabbed some time with the legendary Lithuanian folk rock band Žalvarinis, who have been creating music since 2001.

This year marks their first time competing in the Eurovision pre-selection, despite being asked every year by their fans to participate. This year the stars aligned, and they will take to the stage on Saturday. But before they do, learn more about them!

Thank you so much for making some time out of your busy schedule to talk with us today! Why don’t we start our time together by having you tell us a bit about who Žalvarinis is?

Robert: Hello. My name is Robertas Semeniukas, I am the founder of the band, music author, producer, I play guitar, piano and sing. I founded the group “Žalvarinis” in 2001, in Vilnius. The name means “Brass”. All this was born from the fusion of two seemingly completely different genres, folklore and rock music. Passion for different styles of music, folk music of different nations led to such an experiment, which turned from a project into a band.

As a band you have been active in the music industry for over 23 years now and released 11 albums across that time – and now you’re competing in the Lithuanian national selection for Eurovision! What made you decide to submit an entry this year? Had you ever considered participating before 2024?

Robert: We have been on the scene for more than twenty years. This whole period is extremely important for us as musicians and creators. The band often changed musicians, I am the only one left from the old line-up, I am very happy that the most wonderful voices, Sigita and Viltė, are singing with me on stage.

During this period, we have seen how fashions change, how people, musicians, styles, colleagues, the stage, and sound recording techniques change. Of course, we are not quite dinosaurs, but it is nice to feel the evolution in everything. We are from the era when bands started with mastering an instrument, rehearsing in a cold garage with poor equipment, a couple of beers and big dreams. 

To date, we have already released eleven albums, seven studio albums, three concert albums and one demo album. Fans write letters every year with the same question “Are you going to Eurovision this year?”, always the same negative answer. However, this year something resonated inside, an inner voice told me that I need to try myself on this stage and make fans happy not only in Lithuania, but also in Europe. We believe that the song will resonate, it does not matter that it is in Lithuanian, after all, there is a google translator.

Speaking of your music, I’ve noticed that your music is a happy marriage of a number of genres and styles – folk, rock, blues, and more. To those who maybe have never heard your music before, how would you describe it to them? 

Robert: If it’s so short and simple, I would describe it as – folk rock music. I don’t limit myself to genres, all those descriptions and labels are not so important. The essence is sincere and soulful music, which we convey to our listeners in concerts and recordings.

 In our albums, you can hear the most famous Lithuanian jazz performers and folk singers, as well as pop stars. We work with choirs and orchestras, we record songs with foreign world music artists and groups.

And as a band you’ve traveled all over Lithuania, Europe and even the United States where I’m from to perform in festivals and concerts. Across all these stops what has been your favorite location or country to perform in and why? (A question for one person or all three members)

Robert: In 2009, we played at a big world music festival in Kyiv, Ukraine. The audience heard us for the first time. We thought that everything would go very calmly, without much hype, but after the second or third song, some mystical breakthrough happened and the audience just went crazy and went on a journey without knowing what we were singing about and so on. But the energy was so strong, and everything was so real that even a shiver went through the body. Such performances cannot be forgotten. It’s fun to perform everywhere. 

In China, we experienced interesting things, big stages and thousands of audiences, and different reactions from people than in Europe or America. Music connects people, that’s a fact. I wouldn’t name the best concert, they are all different and fascinating at the same time. Maybe the Eurovision stage is the concert that will really stick in your memory as something special? I don’t know. The stage is my life 🙂

Here’s a hard hitting question for you all as well – what is something that our readers would be surprised to learn about each of you? Like a hidden talent, favorite hobby, or secret obsession?

Viltė: I am totally in love with the rain, water and I don’t really like the sun. So when people are depressed because of the lack of sunshine during the winter in Lithuania, I am always OK. Really. 🙂

Robert: I like silence. When I’m driving, I’m usually in silence. I’m a city kid, but I run to the woods to find peace and inspiration. I’m a rocker, but I adore jazz music. I’m a guitarist, but when I sit down at the piano, the heavens seem to open up.

Sigita: I’m drowned into esotericism, yoga and meditation. I even have a Tarotologist certificate in my drawer. Spiritual development is my main activity, my lifestyle and music is my hobby.

Let’s talk about your song for the selection, a powerful folkrock song “Gaude vejai”. Could you tell us a bit about the songwriting process for the entry and the message you hope it conveys to the audience?

Viltė: Everything started with Robertas’ guitar riffs. It was totally obvious what music was talking about when he composed it. That is why while talking about the lyrics and the essence of the meaning of this song, I always want to highlight the word ‘unity’. It is not written in Lithuanian there, but you can surely find it behind the lines. Recent years are a test for humanity. We have to stand together and support each other. This is the only way we can survive. 

Robert: The music for the song was born in one day, sitting in the farmhouse and jamming with an acoustic guitar. It was not some mystical inspiration or muse on the shoulder, but a very clear task. A three-minute song. I had a pretty clear vision. This must be the bomb! The guitar riff is the basis of every song I do. While writing the melodies, I clearly imagined how Sigita and Viltė would sing it, I visualized each part of the piece. I wanted not only Lithuanian listeners, but also Europeans to hear the beauty of the Lithuanian language, Baltic rock, ethnic motifs and our enthusiasm.

Your songs lyrics contain a number of references to nature and we also see that imagery appear in your newly released music video. Are these subtle hints for what we could see on the Eurovizija.LT stage, or do you have an entirely different concept in mind for the performance?

Viltė: It is important to maintain the significance of the natural world for Žalvarinis, as we can find a lot of nature symbols in Lithuanian folklore. It was strongly believed that nature can fulfill our everyday life. What is more, earth, water, fire and all other aspects of nature can help us in our routine, make us stronger. So, yes, it is a hint – we will combine this folk rock song with nature elements in our performance as well. 

Robert: I can’t wait to see the animation from the amazing team on stage. There will be fabulous pictures behind our backs. You’ll soon see it and see for yourself 😉

Let’s talk Eurovision – would you consider yourselves to be big fans of the contest? Do you remember your first Eurovision-related memories?

Viltė: I have been watching the Eurovision song contest since I was a child. I can still remember all these evenings when we gathered with my family and were staring at the TV. Sometimes I was almost dying how I wanted to sleep, but the part with “12 points go to…” was one of the most interesting parts of this competition for me. Also, I remember well my guess that Lithuanian band LT United will take the sixth place in the competition in 2006. And I was right!

Robert: If I don’t have concerts on weekends, I watch Eurovision. We make a party with our friends, comment, and criticize until we drop. It’s a very fun time. Now that I’m standing on that stage myself, it all changes, but it’s an adventure that I’m sure will take us even further somewhere.

For those who want to connect with you all ahead of or after the selection– where can they find you and your music?

Viltė: Of course, Žalvarinis has all the social channels. You can follow us there and send us a message, we will be happy to receive it! 

Official Webpage | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Bandcamp | Spotify

Before we wrap up do you have a final message you’d like to share with those listening to this interview?

Viltė: I would like to invite everybody to always remember that together we are strong. And only our unity can bring a light.

Robert: Never give up. Believe in your inner voice and follow your dreams. It helps to live and develop.

To make things easier, I recommend listening to our album “Cantabile”. It really has strengthening powers.

Thank you for your questions 🙂

Thanks so much Žalvarinis – we wish you the best of luck in the Lithuanian National selection! 🙂

If #YOU want to support Žalvarinis’ pathway to Eurovision 2024 make sure you tune in to their semi-final on Saturday January 20th and vote!

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