Eurovizija.LT 2025 is well underway! Most participating artists have released their entry songs, and the three remaining semi-finals have concluded filming.

The third semi-final is scheduled to air this Saturday, January 25 at 20:00 CET. The competing artists will perform in the following order:

  1. Amari – “Sirens Call” (written by Marija Jogminė and Justinas Jogminas)
  2. Thomas G – “Highest Goals” (written by Tomas Gailiūnas and Dovydas Lazdinis)
  3. Queens of Roses – “TAIP!” (written by Elena Jurgaityte and KHOT)
  4. Gøya – “After Storm”
  5. Hansanova – “Leilydo” (written by Giedrius Balčiūnas)
  6. MeidĖ – “Gyvatės” (written by Plucando and MeidĖ)
  7. Gebrasy – “Whole” (written by Audrius Petrauskas and Titas Astaf)
  8. Indrė Ananktaitė and Laimonas Bendaravičius – “Namo” (written by Stanislavos Stavickis-Stanos)
  9. Black Biceps – “Visaip man reik” (written by Vitalij Valentinovič)

Semi-Final four will air Saturday, February 1 at 20:00 CET. The running order is as follows:

  1. Siga – “Walking with My Shadow”  
  2. Ustin – “You’re the One” (written by Justinas Mejeris and Salomėja Vaisiūnaitė)
  3. Godo Yorke – “<3 neparodai” (written by  Goda Sasnauskaitė, Pedro Joaquim Borges, Nadiia Sazonova, and Paulius Večeris)
  4. Joseph June – “Ko man nesakei” (written by Joseph June)
  5. Amoralu – “Freedom”
  6. Katarsis – “Tavo akys”
  7. Liepa – “Ar mylėtum?” (written by Elena Jurgaitytė and KHot)
  8. Mario Junes – “Bury Me” (written by Marius Kijauskas)
  9. The Ditties – “Zui Zu Bi” (written by Veronika Čičinskaitė-Golovanova)

Finally, the fifth Semi-Final will air Saturday, February 8 at 20:00 CET. The artists and songs competing are:

  1. Donata – “Empower” (written by Ylva Persson, Linda Persson, Janne Hyöty)
  2. Matas Ligeika – “Saule”
  3. Ieva Zasimauskaitė – “Don’t You Ever Leave Me”
  4. Matt Len – “Not Alone”
  5. Ofelija – “Širdelė”  (written by Liepa Maknavičiūtė)   
  6. Sun Francisco – “Atsimerkt”
  7. Justinas – “Alright” (written by Audrius Petrauskas and Titas Astafejevas)
  8. Sophie Ali – “The Bluest Bell” (written by Sophie Ali)
  9. Lion Ceccah – “Drobė”

The Final of Eurovizija.LT will air on Saturday, February 15. The top two artists from the first and second semi-finals have already qualified for the Final:

  1. Anyanya – “Running Out of Time” (written by Anyanya Udongwo, Timothy Akuboh, and Judah Cima)
  2. Justė Baradulinaitė – “Tired” (written by Titas Astaf, Audrius Petrauskas, and Justė Baradulinaitė)
  3. Petunija – “Į saldumą” (written by Petunija and Kęstutis Vaitkevičius)
  4. Noy – “Just Take Me on a Date” (written by  Nojus Žebrauskas)

Eurovizija.LT is being hosted by Gabrielė Martirosian, Nombeko Augustė, and Rimvydas Černiauskas.

Which songs from Lithuania are #YOU a fan of? Let us know on social media (@escunited), on Discord or at our forum.

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