We continue on with our in-person interviews, and this time, we got a chat with Voyager, the group all the way from down under, also known as Australia. For the interview, they took the MUCH shorter trip from the arena to the Lush Lounge.
In the interview, we had a fun chat with the group members of Voyager as they present themselves. We got to hear about their props and what we could name the props, we get to know what other skills the members might possess, and overall what they think and believe about each other.
In other words, it has indeed been a long journey for this band, and they had their goals – both new and some old – and they have definitely achieved it, by getting this long way and finally onto the big stage.
To even celebrate the talk we had with them, the band could even reveal that they had just release a brand new single, which is called “Prince of Fire” and can be heard right below.
As a reminder, Australia is participating as a specially invited country, a deal that was made a few years ago that secured that SBS (The Australian broadcaster), could participate in the contest until 2023. This meaning that unless a new deal is renewed, this could be the last participation of Australia.
About Voyager
The band currently consist of Danny, Simone, Scott, Ashley and Alex, and originates from the great Western Australian town of Perth. The group has been active since 1999, and have had multiple members in their past line-ups. The current troop has been together since 2011.
It has been a main goal of the band, to represent Australia at the contest, since the very first possible moment, which was back in 2015 when Australia made their official debut in the contest. Their wish almost came true in 2022, when they finished 2nd in the national final (Eurovision – Australia Decides), but had to wait that one extra year, to achieve this goal.
The band has since their beginning released multiple albums over their soon to be 25 year long adventures, and their 8th and newest album is set to release this upcoming summer.
Do #YOU have high hopes for Australia this year and what do #YOU think about their staging potential?
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