In the lead up to this year’s Eurovision Song Contest we got the chance to ask Victor Vernicos from Greece a couple of questions at The Cavern in Liverpool on May 3rd.

During the interview we catch up on how the rehearsals have been going and what the experience has been like. We also briefly talk about songwriting and which Eurovision artists Victor would like to collaborate with.

Who is Victor Vernicos?

Victor comes from a musical family with a Danish father that plays the trumpet and a Greek mother who plays the piano. He is a very young and talented singer and songwriter. Singing isn’t his only talent however, he also enjoys baking cinnamon rolls. The youngest participant Greece has ever sent will bring his self-penned song ‘What They Say’.

Greece will compete in the second semi-final on May 11th and perform 8th in the show. 

What did #YOU think about our interview with Victor? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!
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