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Tag Archives: Milena Vucic

Montesong 2024: ESC United Reviews Part 2 of 2

All opinions expressed in this article are those of the person quoted and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the other team members or ESC United as a whole.  September 1 marks the beginning of the Eurovision season, but the rubber really hits the road when the first national selection rolls around. And this year, we have Montenegro’s Montesong …

Bombshell! Milena Vucic to represent Montenegro!

Montenegro had always been a country to first select their representative in upcoming edition of Eurovision Song Contest. Throw back in 2014, when Sergej Cetkovic represented this Balkan country the official confirmation came in early August! The same thing happend with Knez and boy-band Highway who was the very first contestants selected for the years. It always turn out that the first rumors are …