marco mengoni due vite eurovision

Almost two months after winning the 2023 Festival di Sanremo, Marco Mengoni releases the Eurovision version of ‘Due Vite’.

This new version is three minutes long and is the one that Marco Mengoni will sing in the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 on May 13.

The original version, which the Italian singer performed in the 73rd edition of Sanremo and won with, lasted 3 minutes and 45 seconds which was too long to compete in Eurovision. There’s indeed a three-minute rule for all performing songs in the contest. But this new version is 3 minutes and 4 seconds long, which follows this rule.

Apart from a shorter duration, the Eurovision version of ‘Due Vite’ also features some slight changes in the instrumental, with some additional beats that make it even more powerful.

This new version thus denies the rumors saying Marco Mengoni was eventually going to represent Italy with a different song than Due Vite.

Marco Mengoni already represented Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2013 in Malmö with ‘L’Essenziale’ and finished 7th in the Grand Final with 126 points. And 10 years later, he’s doing it all again with the song Due Vite, which he will perform on May 13 in Liverpool.

What do #YOU think of the Eurovision version of Due Vite? Are #YOU excited to see Marco Mengoni perform it on the Eurovision 2023 stage? Let us know on our social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Discord – or on our forum page!

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