First ESC edition after the fall of the Berlin Wall, attesting to this fact were no more no less than 3 songs written about the historical event. Nonetheless they didn't fare that well in the competition. Also, it was the first year in which an age limit was imposed, since in previous editions prepubescent teens were being selected and Belgium even won thanks to this in 1986. Which wasn't really fair and probably the reason for a Junior version of ESC existing nowadays. A good reason to reminisce about this edition (or least the Spanish entry) is what happened with the entry from that country. The night kicked off as never seen before in ESC (and never to be seen again). Still that didn't stop the duo Azúcar Moreno from climbing up to the 5th position, which ranks among the best Spanish final positions ever. So the "technical mishap" might actually have helped...(though the song in itself is memorable for how different it was compared to all seen in ESC that far. And I also think this very same song was a hit in my country during that decade, since I could remember the song after all)
1- Yugoslavia
2- Iceland
3- Denmark
4- Spain
5- Luxembourg
6- Austria
7- Switzerland
8- UK
9- Portugal
10- Ireland
11- Greece
12- Netherlands
13- Norway
14- Finland
15- Italy
16- Sweden
17- Germany
18- Cyprus
19- Turkey
20- Belgium
21- Israel
22- France
1- Yugoslavia
2- Iceland
3- Denmark
4- Spain
5- Luxembourg
6- Austria
7- Switzerland
8- UK
9- Portugal
10- Ireland
11- Greece
12- Netherlands
13- Norway
14- Finland
15- Italy
16- Sweden
17- Germany
18- Cyprus
19- Turkey
20- Belgium
21- Israel
22- France