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Your biggest growers and faders


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
I forgot :ru: !! It now became a possible winner for me - because of guaranteed loads of points from eastern europe and I think also plenty votes from the other western countries...


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
:az: is growing,:mk: also

here's my liking of macedonian song in a graph xrofl



Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
:al: This is probably the biggest grower for me. They've gone from near-last with Diell, to around 20th when I'm Alive was first released, and now they're around 5th.
:by: I disliked the rework quite a lot at first, but I've come to like it a little more now, and the song's still stuck in my head after quite a few months. It's just on the border of my top 10.
:lv: I think it took me a while to 'get' this entry; I'm usually pretty slow to come around to liking alternative music, and this is no exception. There's plenty there to like, though.
:gr: It might just be the live performances, but I'm starting to feel a lot more power from this song now. I'm not saying it's one of my favourites, but it's managed to make its way from my bottom five to my mid-table.

:es: While I still like it a lot, and think it's a dark horse, it's slipping slowly down my rankings. I think I'm comparing it to Run/Mas too much.
:mt: This is the opposite of Belarus for me - I liked the rework at first but soured on it with time, so this is around mid-table for me now. I could still come back to supporting it if Amber's good live, though.
:fr: This was in my top ten for a while, but has gone down a little with time, perhaps due to Lisa's lack of stage presence whenever I see her live videos.
:ch: I quite liked something in this for a month or so, though at this point I forget exactly what it was. It's dropped around fifteen spots in my rankings, but I'd still be sad to see it left in the semis.

:mk: My thoughts on this have been a real rollercoaster ride. I shrugged when I first heard it, but came to love it in the following weeks, and it stuck around pretty safely in my top 3 as I waited for the rework, spending a while as my favourite. When the rework was finally released, I hated it, and it fell to around #25. Now I'm slowly starting to enjoy the new version after seeing Daniel own it live, but I'm still saddened by the lost potential (Lisja Esenski remains my most played song of the 2015 season, one play above Estonia).
:de: After leaving me lukewarm at first, this rocketed up to around my #5, stayed there for a week or two, and promptly fell back down to ~#17.


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
:se: faderrr. It's still cool but I've realised there's nothing special about, just a plain old dance track and a guy with mediocre vocal abilities.

:hu: grower. Yes I am shocked I'm saying this.


Well-known member
March 24, 2012
Biggest growers:
:al: I liked it from the beginning, but since then I really fell in love with it. The end. xheart
:am: Did not like it at first because it's kinda messy, but I simply love this operatic + folk moment and the refrain that follows. xheart
:fi: I don't hate it anymore, it's just not so good. :D
:ro: At first I was really indifferent about it, but it grew and I even voted for it once in the ranking game)

:ie: I used to like it from the snippets at ranking videos (listened to it in full for the first time when I downloaded the CD), and when I listened in full it slowly went down my ranking simply because it's so boring. :(
:uk: I disliked it at first listen, then I really liked it for a time. Although I still enjoy it, it also goes on my nerves because it is so cheap and bad and ... argh. :D Hope it doesn't finish better than Germany's swing efforts. :lol:


Well-known member
January 12, 2014
Just rearranged my ranking:

Big growers: :de: :cz: :lv: :be: :il: :az: :pt:
Big fallers: :se: :es: :fr: :it: :ch: :md: :mk:
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