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Vote for your favorite asian singers


Active member
June 29, 2021
have you ever heard asian songs? here is my asian artists so i can found in music website. click it to listen all the songs!

Australia: Birds of Tokyo
Azerbaijan: Vüsalə Sari
China: Leehom Wang
Georgia: Andria Gvelesiani
Hong Kong: Twins
India: Tegi Pannu
Indonesia: Angel Pieters
Iran: Mavluda Tagozoda
Israel: Dafna Dekel
Japan: Philosophy no Dance
Kazakhstan: Elsandobry
Korea: ILY:1
Macau: Casper True
Malaysia: Asfan Shah
New Zealand: Kane Strang
Pakistan: Amir Shehzad
Philippines: Janine Teñoso
Saudi Arabia: Soha Al-Masry
Singapore: Dominic Chin
Taiwan: Diana Wang
Thailand: Wallrollers
Turkey: Nilgün Belgün
United Arab Emirates: Essam Kamal
Uzbekistan: Noila
Vietnam: Emcee L

what do you think my favorite asian songs, damn, it's perfect! just vote for your favorite asian singer here... only ten favorite songs!

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