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Mainshow's Eurovision Rankings + Alltime list


Well-known member
September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany

At least in 2019 you favourite is my favourite as well. :)

And we finally agree on the :de: entry again.

I´m gonna write more detailed posts on the years 2017-2019 later, but now I`m a bit lazy to be honest.


December 23, 2018
:eu: Covid-19, cancelled 2020

Despite thinking that "health" and "safety" should always come first, I am still deeply sad that the Eurovision Song Contest got cancelled due to Covid-19. I still believe that it would have been possible to come up with a show in which artists could have performed in their respective home countries making 2020 the most entertaining, interesting, special and emotional year ever. A pity that money was the main issue here since "Europe Shine A Light" as well as live performances from Diodato & Co. showed that it was still possilble to create a show of such caliber...

That said, the national final season was a nightmare for me since all of my favourites didn't win (apart from :ua:, :by: ).

"Solovey" is an "outta this world" experience making my Slavic spirit come alive and :it: is simply beautiful and probably would have won (IF Diodata had been allowed to perform like he did on Europe Shine A Light). :az: slayed me once again... I can't wait for Efendi's entry this year! - :ru: is a very catchy but silly bop (without meaningful lyrics) but as a child of the 90's, I simply have to love it. So entertaining.. Other songs I loved but didn't reach my Top 10: :dk:, :lt:, :mk:, :ge:, :uk:

Thank you, escunited, for running our own alternative. Our winner (:ch:) made it into my Top 10 as well!

:12: :ua: Go_A - Solovey
:10: :it: Diodato - Fai rumore
:8: :az: Efendi - Cleopatra
:7: :bg: Victoria - Tears Getting Sober
:6: :ch: Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi
:5: :ro: Roxen - Alcohol You
:4: :nl: Jeangu Macrooy - Grow
:3: :sl: Ana Soklič - Voda
:2: :ru: Little Big - Uno
:1: :by: VAL - Da Vidna

Current all-time ranking:
01 :hr: 89
02 :az: 82 [11x]
03 :is: 73 [13x]
04 :it: 73 [11x]
05 :il: 61 [9x]
06 :de: 60 [10x]
07 :sl: 58 [9x]
08 :pl: 56 [9x]
09 :se: 54 [10x]
10 :ua: 48 [7x]
11 :nl: 45 [8x]
12 :ee: 45 [8x]
13 :al: 34 [4x]
14 :es: 31 [5x]
15 :by: 30 [7x]
16 :no: 30 [6x]
17 :am: 30 [5x]
18 :ru: 30 [4x]
19 :hu: 29 [6x]
20 :ba: 28 [5x]
21 :pt: 27 [6x]
22 :gr: 27 [4x]
23 :lv: 25 [4x]
24 :uk: 24 [5x]
25 :ie: 23 [5x]
26 :me: 23 [4x]
27 :dk: 20 [4x]
28 :cz: 19 [3x]
29 :fr: 19 [3x]
30 :ch: 19 [3x]
31 :rs: 18 [4x]
32 :cy: 18 [3x]
33 :tr: 17 [4x]
34 :sk: 17 [2x]
35 :bg: 15 [3x]
36 :ro: 14 [3x]
37 :mk: 14 [3x]
38 :at: 13 [4x]
39 :be: 12 [3x]
40 :ge: 12 [2x]
41 :mt: 11 [4x]
42 :md: 8 [2x]
43 :lt: 4 [2x]
44 :fi: 4 [1x]
45 :au: 2 [1x]
46 :ad: 1 [1x]
47 :mc: 0 [0x]
48 :sm: 0 [0x]
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December 23, 2018
Despite Croatia and Azerbaijan being my Top 2 countries of all-time, another country mentioned to make more appearances on my Top 10s throughout the years:


11x:az: :it:
10x:hr: :de: :se:
9x:il: :sl:
8x:ee: :nl:
7x:by: :ua:
6x:hu: :no: :pt:
5x:am: :ba: :es: :ie: :uk:
4x:al: :at: :dk: :gr: :lv: :mt: :me: :ru: :rs: :tr:
3x:be: :bg: :cy: :cz: :fr: :mk: :ro: :ch:
2x:ge: :lt: :md: :sk:
1x:ad: :au: :fi:
0x:mc: :sm:

Poor :sm: - Hope Sen(h)it can get the country its very first point!
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February 28, 2018
2017 wasn't a strong year at all, there were only two songs that I truly loved:
Dihaj - Skeletons (Azerbaijan) - just like your No. 1!
O.Torvald - Time (Ukraine)

2018 was a fantastic year actually.
AWS was my favorite and I was so glad that a great rock entry made it to the final.
Eugent Bushpepe - Mall
Elina - La Forza
leva - When we were old
Austria Nothing but you
M. Schulte - Walking alone
Denmark - Higher Ground

As for Walking alone, I loved it back then, and now after my dad passed away last year, it even means mor to me and can connect.
As for ALEKSEEV - Forever, I liked it as a song, but not his performance. My feeling was that he somehow struggled and didn't feel comfortable. Maybe he shouldn't have sung in English.

Oto Nemsadze - Keep On Going :love:
Conan Osíris - Telemóveis
Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra
Jolinda - Ktheju Tokës
Lake Malawi - Friend of a friend
and yes as one of a few - I liked Sisters also as a song, but I liked their performance at the NF so much more than at the Grand Final.


February 28, 2018
2020. Sad that we couldn't hear these songs live.
My absolute favorite was Diodato. I can't count how many times I listened to his song, especially his performance at Arena di Verona. Fantastic.

Tornike Kipiani – Take me as I am (No. 1 once again)
Diodato – fai rumore
Ben Dolic - Violent Thing
Arilena ARA - Shaj
Roxen - Alcohol You
Samira Efendi - Cleopatra
Ana Soklič - Voda
Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi
Alicja - Empires


Well-known member
September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany

Now it´s my turn again. ;)

2017: Overall I enjoyed this year a lot, even though the conflict between :ua: and :ru: that resulted in the retirement of the latter wasn´t great. But since I didn´t like "Flame is Burning" the loss wasn´t that great for me.

The three hosts were also pretty awkward and had as much charisma as a dry slice of toast. xbored

Songwise this year had lot to offer. My personal favourite was :be: with "City Lights", I really loved this dark tone of the song and was really happy that Blanche had a much better performance in the final, ending in a good fourth place in the end.

Closely behind was :pt:, I sometimes have dfficulties with Salvadors personality, but the song itself was just amazing. When he performed the song on the tiny side stage it really felt like from another planet. It was really touching, even though I didn´t understand a word he sang. Was really happy for them winning for the first time after competing for more than fifty years , and with such a strong result, even the :de: televoters gave him :12:!! xheart

Otherwise my favourites were :hu: with a very mystic and interesting song, :fr: with a great mix of pop and oriental influences, :md: with one of the most memorable performances ever and :bg: with a very contemporary song performed by the very talented Kristian Kostov. xclap

Before the contest many were sure that :it: would win in a landslide, but this didn´t happen. To be honest I never got the huge hype for this entry, it was pleasant to listen to but nothing more. When it underperformed this much I wasn´t surprised, the whole act simply didn´t come together on stage for me. xshrug

On the other side of the scoreboard were :es: and :de:, both completely deserved. The entry of Levina was the perfect definition of "bland" and Manel was basically beggin for last place in my opinion, his high note still haunts me in my dreams. :lol:

2018: This year was more difficult for me. I had some favourites, but the contest in Lisbon brought me many songs I really hate with a burning passion!!

I really hated :is:, :no:,:es:,:uk: and :ge: that year and fortunately they all ended where the belong, only Alexander Rybak was waaay to high in the final ranking. I´m pretty sure if any other singer would have performaned this garbage called "That´s How You Write a Song" it wouldn´t have even qualified!! :sick:

The winner of this year :il: was also not really my cup of tea. The theme of this song was kinda ok, but her voice was just highly irritating for me and generally this song was just too hyperactive for me. (n)

The huge hype around :cy: also remains a mystery for me, even though the performance was really impressive.

My personal favourite before the contest was :fr:, but sadly the song didn´t work as good on the big stage. I also really liked :it: and I´m still mad on the juries who voted them on 17th, but :al: was also really good because it was something different from the stuff they often send, like women singing a very dramatic ballad in a very loud way. And even though :cz: wasn´t completely my cup of tea I was happy that they finally got a good result in the final. :)

I was really happy for Michael Schulte from :de: because he had a very emotional and touching performance and since he proved all the critics wrong!! xlove

2019: A year where my personal favourite wins can´t be a bad year in my opinion. :)

But let´s start with the bad stuff first. It may come across that I do this on purpose, but it´s really just my opinion. I personally didn´t like :pt: at all, it was just too weird for me. And even though I have polish roots, I really didn´t like Tulia from :pl:, their voices really almost let my eardrums burst!! The way they failed to make it into the grand final is of course unfortunate, but I didn´t miss them at all to be honest. (n)

And after liking their entry the year before so much the song from :al: in 2019 was sadly a step back for me because it was once again a women singing a very dramatic ballad. Something very creative - NOT!! :rolleyes:

My personal last place that year were and are still Hatari from :is:. You have to know that usually when I really HATE an entry I could rant about it for hours on how terrible it is. But in this case I´m unable to even do that, because everything from the melody over the voices and costumes to the performance was soo horrible for me that I have now words for it, and the action with the Palestine flage didn´t help either. I don´t wanna write too much about this entry because I´m actually in a good mood right now and I don´t wanna spoil it. I just hope that I´ll never hear from that band again. xgaah

After finishing 4th the year before :de: once again finished nearly at the bottom. Highly deserved in my opinion. Two unlikable talent show tourists singing or rather shouting a boring album track with a message that was already old the year after Netta. When the big fat :0: from the televote came I had to really laugh loudly while watching because it was soo deserved and our commentator didn´t understand anything!! xrollinglol

But now finally to the more positive aspects. My favourite song won for the fist time since 2010, in this case "Arcade" by Duncan Laurence for the :nl:. This song really got me right from the beginning, and when he won I was screaming out of joy at home. He really deserved it, he´s such a great artist and also a really nice guy. :love:

But there were other great songs as well. Closely behind Duncan, Mahmood from :it: was my second favourite. You could really feel the anger about his father while he performed this song "Soldi", a very modern song which was also kinda catchy because of the clapping in the chorus. xdance2

Otherwise I really liked Luca from :ch:, even though I´m usually not into that kind of music and Zala and Gasper from :sl:. I have to admit that at the beginning I didn´t like "Sebi" at all, but over the time the song really won me over and now I like it a lot, it has a very hypnotizing effect on me. xmusic
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December 23, 2018
Thank you for your comments, guys!
@mauve Amazing to see that we share the same #1 in 2017 and 2018 as well (if we get rid off my favourite which didn't qualify for the final!) ;)
Diodato's performance was absolutely breathtaking! I think it could have won Eurovision if the EBU didn't ditch the contest and let artists perform in their own home countries at special and remarkable venues.
@ESC94 I agree with you, the hosts of 2017 were really dire. "City Lights" sounded like a winner to me but after a while, it did lose a lot of momentum and I think that the semi performance was quite horrible (and I was quite sure she wouldn't qualify).. I'm glad she wasn't that nervous anymore and performed decently in the final! - A pity you don't like white singing that much - I do enjoy Tulia as a band but Pali sie wasn't the strongest song they could have offered. It's outrageous they didn't qualify due to stupid juries voting upside down, though.


Well-known member
April 15, 2015
You basically have all fans (most of them being hardcore fans, gay, middle aged men) gathered together and they simply don't shut up. I wasn't even able to listen to what the hosts said because they continued chatting, talking...some were totally drunk (I don't think it's sinful or anything but why don't you wait until the "after show party"?) - Many were on their phones (going through Facebook, Grindr, What's App).. I think that due to them knowing all songs, having heard them several times before (rehearsals, semi finals, Eurovision events in their home countries, Eurovision parties, national finals), they simply do not care. Apart from their own favourites, they were utterly disrespectful to the audience, the artists, the hosts, the whole contest. Thus, I decided to cancel my OGAE membership and stop attending Eurovision live anymore. What's the point of attending a live event when you aren't even able to hear most of the artists?

Well, I'm glad I read this as I've considered buying final tickets a few times but had a feeling it might be like this. The sad thing is it's likely the majority of the drunken fans were British/Irish. I'm sorry you're not able to enjoy the final in real life any more :(


I've liked reading your posts! Thanks for telling us your eurovision story :):):) xrunhug
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December 23, 2018
Thank you for your lovely feedback and kind words xheart
I honestly think that watching it on TV is still the best experience although I have to admit that I miss experiencing the suspense/energy in the arena during the voting sequence(s).
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December 23, 2018
:nl: Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2021

A pity we lost Belarus and Armenia on the way (even though, the circumstances were pretty much different for both countries, respectively) but overall, I think that the standard increased, e.g. :lt:, :bg: , :az: and :sm: 's artists even came up with better entries whilst :ua: was able to re-create their magic once again.

This year, Eurovision took place on my mother's birthday and we invited close friends (not many due to Covid-19 measurments, though) and had a great evening ranking all entries, voting for our favourites (they voted for :no: several times... I guess that's where the 1 points from :de: did come from).

:at: This entry was a letdown on stage. Unfortunately, I don't go back to that entry very often and thus, it made room for another entry in my top 10 - Personally, I would have loved to see :bg: or :ua: win but :it: is totally fine with me. At first, I didn't like the entry but the more often I listen to it, the more I love it. I even voted for :it: in the final because I was so impressived by their stage presence. I wish them all the success and best in the world for a long career - they deserve it!

The results for :sm: :al: and :az: were utterly disappointing - given the fact that their performances were quite enjoyable and well-thought. My highlights when it comes to the performances were :ru: and :ua: and :bg: though. All of them stepped up their game!

I even voted for :ch: but in the end, it missed my Top 10 due to its chorus (I prefer "Répondez-moi") and his high-pitched voice. Also, :cy: - despite being a well-crafted and catchy pop masterpiece - missed my Top 10 (unfortunately). This year was just too competitive.

NEW RECORDS on my all-time ranking:
Senhit made me award my first points to :sm: and thus, :mc: remains the only country with :0: points on my ranking.
Moreover, :az: becomes my new favourite country in Eurovision. :hr: has been on top since 2000. Will it be the first country to get more than 100 pts?
For 5 years in a row, I haven't given a single point to my home country :de: - That's the "longest" break ever. Hopefully, the NDR will find a way to make my home country's entries more appealing to me again. The last "efforts" were utterly tragic.

:12: :az: Efendi - Mata Hari
:10: :ua: Go_A - Shum
:8: :bg: Victoria - Growing Up Is Getting Old
:7: :ru: Manizha - Russian Woman
:6: :sm: Senhit - Adrenalina
:5: :be: Hooverphonic - The Wrong Place
:4: :al: Anxhela Peristeri - Karma
:3: :fr: Barbara Pravi - Voilà
:2: :it: Måneskin - Zitti e bueni
:1: :lt: The Roop - Discoteque

Current all-time ranking:
01 :az: 94 [12x]
02 :hr: 89
03 :it: 75 [12x]
04 :is: 73 [13x]
05 :il: 61 [9x]
06 :de: 60 [10x]
07 :sl: 58 [9x]
08 :ua: 58 [8x]
09 :pl: 56 [9x]
10 :se: 54 [10x]
11 :nl: 45 [8x]
12 :ee: 45 [8x]
13 :al: 38 [5x]
14 :ru: 37 [5x]
15 :es: 31 [5x]
16 :by: 30 [7x]
17 :no: 30 [6x]
18 :am: 30 [5x]
19 :hu: 29 [6x]
20 :ba: 28 [5x]
21 :pt: 27 [6x]
22 :gr: 27 [4x]
23 :lv: 25 [4x]
24 :uk: 24 [5x]
25 :ie: 23 [5x]
26 :me: 23 [4x]
27 :bg: 23 [4x]
28 :fr: 22 [4x]
29 :dk: 20 [4x]
30 :cz: 19 [3x]
31 :ch: 19 [3x]
32 :rs: 18 [4x]
33 :cy: 18 [3x]
34 :tr: 17 [4x]
35 :be: 17 [4x]
36 :sk: 17 [2x]
37 :ro: 14 [3x]
38 :mk: 14 [3x]
39 :at: 13 [4x]
40 :ge: 12 [2x]
41 :mt: 11 [4x]
42 :md: 8 [2x]
43 :sm: 6 [1x]
44 :lt: 5 [3x]
45 :fi: 4 [1x]
46 :au: 2 [1x]
47 :ad: 1 [1x]
48 :mc: 0 [0x]
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December 23, 2018
I usually/always separate music from politics in a Eurovision context but I can´t ignore latest statements/posts on social media.
Other artists from that country will remain in my personal Top 10´s for now.

My "new" Top 10:
:se: Stockholm, Sweden 2016

:12: :ua: Jamala- 1944
:10: :hr: Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse
:8: :de: Jamie-Lee - Ghost
:7: :lv: Justs - Heartbeat
:6: :cz: Gabriela Gunčíková - I Stand
:5: :pl: Michał Szpak - Color Of Your Life
:4: :ee: Jüri Pootsmann - Play
:3: :az: Samra - Miracle
:2: :is: Greta Salóme - Hear Them Calling
:1: :it: Francesca Michielin - No Degree Of Seperation

:ua: and :hr: will receive two more additional points each on my all-time list whereas the other countries move up a place (+1 point). The "lucky" Italian entry (:it) was #11 and therefore, made it into my Top 10 in the end.


December 23, 2018
:it: Turin, Italy 2022

Personally, I think that 2022 was an excellent year - We got one of the best Grand Finals ever and I really enjoyed all performances that evening - even entries I placed inside my bottom 5 were accompanied by incredible and (vocally) stunning performances. That´s why it was really difficult to come up with a satisfying Top 10. Unfortunately, :al:, :gr:, :es:, :ro:, :lt: and :md: just missed by Top 10. :rs: and :is: were massive growers throughout this year´s season. I loved the intimate and warm setting of the Icelandic performance and Serbia just blew me away.

As a casual listener of The Rasmus, I was deliriously happy to see them represent Finland and kudos to them, :fi: receive their first :12: points on my all-time list! "Jezebel" is a song I can listen to on repeat and it made me like The Rasmus even more!
:se: have got their best result since Loreen´s "Euphoria" and also :uk: entered my personal Top 5. I massively voted for it on Saturday night because it was my family´s favourite and Sam delivered an excellent performance!

Ukraine is a great winner because it was visually stunning and impressive and the entry itself was incredibly strong. That´s why I love Eurovision: Ethnic sounds combined with modern elements - I would even call this song "progressive" since it´s the first "rap" song which won Eurovision. The steel dreams in the final chorus get me every time!

Super proud of Ochman - who kinda got robbed by the juries. Excellent voice - I haven´t been a huge fan of the performance but he vocally nailed it, for sure. :cy: is still a certified bop (a pity she sounded rather weak live).

NEW RECORDS on my all-time ranking:
:is: can exceed their own record: Iceland got the most appearances on my personal Top10´s throughout the years (14 in total now!!) - :ua: enter my Top 5 of my favourite countries in Eurovision.
Unfortunately, it´s the first time that :it: miss my personal Top 10 and for a 6th consecutive time, my own country :de: hasn´t made it into my Top 10.
:uk: receive their best placing; #4! Congrats!
2022 is the first time since 2008 that I placed 3 countries of the "Nordic bloc" inside my Top 10!

:12: :fi: The Rasmus - Jezebel
:10: :se: Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer
:8: :ua: Kalush - Stefania
:7: :uk: San Ryder - Space Man
:6: :pl: Ochman - River
:5: :rs: Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano
:4: :cy: Andromache - Ela
:3: :fr: Alvan & Ahez - Fulenn
:2: :nl: S10 - De Diepte
:1: :is: Systur - Með hækkandi sól

Current all-time ranking:
01 :az: 94 [12x]
02 :hr: 89
03 :it: 75 [12x]
04 :is: 74 [14x]
05 :ua: 66 [9x]
06 :se: 64 [11x]
07 :pl: 62 [10x]
08 :il: 61 [9x]
09 :de: 60 [10x]
10 :sl: 58 [9x]
11 :nl: 47 [9x]
12 :ee: 45 [8x]
13 :al: 38 [5x]
14 :ru: 37 [5x]
15 :uk: 31 [6x]
16 :es: 31 [5x]
17 :by: 30 [7x]
18 :no: 30 [6x]
19 :am: 30 [5x]
20 :hu: 29 [6x]
21 :ba: 28 [5x]
22 :pt: 27 [6x]
23 :gr: 27 [4x]
24 :fr: 25 [5x]
25 :lv: 25 [4x]
26 :rs: 23 [5x]
27 :ie: 23 [5x]
28 :me: 23 [4x]
29 :bg: 23 [4x]
30 :cy: 22 [4x]
31 :dk: 20 [4x]
32 :cz: 19 [3x]
33 :ch: 19 [3x]
34 :tr: 17 [4x]
35 :be: 17 [4x]
36 :sk: 17 [2x]
37 :fi: 16 [2x]
38 :ro: 14 [3x]
39 :mk: 14 [3x]
40 :at: 13 [4x]
41 :ge: 12 [2x]
42 :mt: 11 [4x]
43 :md: 8 [2x]
44 :sm: 6 [1x]
45 :lt: 5 [3x]
46 :au: 2 [1x]
47 :ad: 1 [1x]
48 :mc: 0 [0x]
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December 23, 2018
Update: :no: Oslo, Norway 2010

I had to delete "Apricote Stone" from my Top 10 because the singer supports fascisim, an imperial war and genocide.
The Top 5 remains the same (#6 to #10 moves up one place each and my "guilty pleasure of the year" :nl: enters the Top 10)

:12: :de: Lena - Satellite
:10: :sk: Kristina - Horehronie
:8: :az: Safura - Drip Drop
:7: :il: : Harel Skaat - Milim
:6: :hr: Feminnem - Lako je sve
:5: :ua: Aloysha - Sweet People
:4: :is: Hera Björk - Je ne sais quoi
:3: :rs: Milan Stanković - Ovo je Balkan
:2: :gr: Giorgos Alkeos & Friend - OPA
:1: :nl: Sieneke - Ik ben verliefd (Sha-la-lie)

Current all-time ranking (1997-2022):
01 :az: 94 [12x]
02 :hr: 89
03 :is: 75 [14x]
04 :it: 75 [12x]
05 :ua: 67 [9x]
06 :se: 64 [11x]
07 :pl: 62 [10x]
08 :il: 61 [9x]
09 :de: 60 [10x]
10 :sl: 58 [9x]
11 :nl: 48 [10x]
12 :ee: 45 [8x]
13 :al: 38 [5x]
14 :ru: 37 [5x]
15 :uk: 31 [6x]
16 :es: 31 [5x]
17 :by: 30 [7x]
18 :no: 30 [6x]
19 :hu: 29 [6x]
20 :ba: 28 [5x]
21 :gr: 28 [4x]
22 :pt: 27 [6x]
23 :fr: 25 [5x]
24 :am: 25 [4x]
25 :lv: 25 [4x]
26 :rs: 24 [5x]
27 :ie: 23 [5x]
28 :me: 23 [4x]
29 :bg: 23 [4x]
30 :cy: 22 [4x]
31 :dk: 20 [4x]
32 :cz: 19 [3x]
33 :ch: 19 [3x]
34 :tr: 17 [4x]
35 :be: 17 [4x]
36 :sk: 17 [2x]
37 :fi: 16 [2x]
38 :ro: 14 [3x]
39 :mk: 14 [3x]
40 :at: 13 [4x]
41 :ge: 12 [2x]
42 :mt: 11 [4x]
43 :md: 8 [2x]
44 :sm: 6 [1x]
45 :lt: 5 [3x]
46 :au: 2 [1x]
47 :ad: 1 [1x]
48 :mc: 0 [0x]


December 23, 2018
:uk: Liverpool, United Kingdom 2023

Usually, I come up with my final "Top 10" a few weeks after Eurovision took place to sink all performances and results in but I have never been convinced of my personal Top 10 like that.
Personally, I think that 2023 was quite a great year - I love my entire Top 10 but (+ :ge: , :fi: and :sl: which were pretty close) the rest falls into an "above average to solid" category and thus, I don't need more time to adjust my voting.

BBC pulled off an incredible show: The postcards were great, the hosts were entertaining and I loved the stage. Apart from some sound engineering issues, I think that it was an excellent show - even though some parts of the results were quite disappointing, e.g. :de: finishing last despite submitting a bold entry by a well-established act and juries voting down ethno-influenced entries again. I loved the first half of the :fi: performance and I would have liked "Cha Cha Cha" to be the winner but overall, I highly prefer Loreen's performance, tbh but it's shocking that a televoting winner getting more than 370 pts didn't win in the end. It feels like 2015 all over again.

I massively voted for :it: (more than 20x), :il: and :al: in the final with very few calls for :fr: whose performance was enjoyable but a bit stiff and underwhelming (in my opinion) whilst I voted 20x for :cz: in the semi final. So happy they were able to come up with another Top 10 result! :ua: got the best staging of the night, imo - but the song's chorus wasn't my cup of tea.
A pity :mt: didn't qualify!

:12: :it: Marco Mengoni - Due Vite
:10: :il: Noa Kirel - Unicorn
:8: :al: Albina and Familja Kelmendi - Duje
:7: :se: Loreen - Tattoo
:6: :de: Lord Of The Lost - Blood & Glitter
:5: :cz: Vesna - My Sister's Crown
:4: :fr: La Zarra - Évidemment
:3: :no: Alessandra - Queen of Kings
:2: :md: Pasha Parfeni - Soarele și luna
:1: :am: Brunette - Future Lover

NEW RECORDS on my all-time ranking (1997-2023):
:it: enters the Top 3 despite not having taking part from 1998 to 2010 and Loreen's victory makes :se: enter the Top 5 again.
"Blood & Glitter" is the first :de: entry to make an appearance on my Top10's since "Ghost" (2016).

01 :az: 94 [12x]
02 :hr: 89 [10x]
03 :it: 87 [13x] [+12]
04 :is: 75 [14x]
05 :se: 71 [12x] [+7]
06 :il: 71 [10x] [+10]
07 :ua: 67 [9x]
08 :de: 66 [11x] [+6]
09 :pl: 62 [10x]
10 :sl: 58 [9x]
11 :nl: 48 [10x]
12 :al: 46 [6x] [+8]
13 :ee: 45 [8x]
14 :ru: 37 [5x]
15 :no: 33 [7x] [+3]
16 :uk: 31 [6x]
17 :es: 31 [5x]
18 :by: 30 [7x]
19 :fr: 29 [6x] [+4]
20 :hu: 29 [6x]
21 :ba: 28 [5x]
22 :gr: 28 [4x]
23 :pt: 27 [6x]
24 :am: 26 [5x] [+1]
25 :lv: 25 [4x]
26 :rs: 24 [5x]
27 :cz: 24 [4x] [+5]
28 :ie: 23 [5x]
29 :me: 23 [4x]
30 :bg: 23 [4x]
31 :cy: 22 [4x]
32 :dk: 20 [4x]
33 :ch: 19 [3x]
34 :tr: 17 [4x]
35 :be: 17 [4x]
36 :sk: 17 [2x]
37 :fi: 16 [2x]
38 :ro: 14 [3x]
39 :mk: 14 [3x]
40 :at: 13 [4x]
41 :ge: 12 [2x]
42 :mt: 11 [4x]
43 :md: 10 [3x] [+2]
44 :sm: 6 [1x]
45 :lt: 5 [3x]
46 :au: 2 [1x]
47 :ad: 1 [1x]
48 :mc: 0 [0x]
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December 23, 2018
:se: Malmö, Sweden 2024

More than 3 months have passed and it's time I posted my personal Top 10 of Malmö 2024.
I needed some time to digest the tumultuous year. Joost's disqualification, the Israeli delegation, the flag parade.. it was a crazy, mad and eventful year for Eurovision fans, for sure.
That said, the musical outcome was good this year: personally, I think that we got the right qualifiers and Ireland, Croatia, Georgia massively stepped up their game!

I voted for :sl: and :lt: the most - they are my shared #1 but in the end, I placed :lt: higher because of the performance being more convincing and engaging, imo. :ua: deserved their Top 3 result (actually, they would have been an excellent winner) and :fr: haven't left my Top 10 since 2021 (what a run!). Tbh, I even voted for :hr: Baby Lasagna even though it was only my #12 but I was rooting for :hr: in the end to win. I'm fine with Nemo since they sang perfectly but I wasn't a fan of the performance and I think that the song could have been more "organic" but we've had worse winners....
I just hope that the running order will become less predictable and biased. It's getting tired how Björkman and Co. are trying to sabotage some countries/entries.

:12: :lt: Silvester Belt - Luktelk
:10: :sl: Raiven - Veronika
:8: :ua: Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria
:7: :gr: Marina Satti - Zari
:6: :it: Angela Mango - La noia
:5: :fr: Slimane - Mon amour
:4: :no: Gåte - Ulveham
:3: :pt: Iolanda - Grito
:2: :il: Eden Golan - Hurriance
:1: :ie: Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue

NEW RECORDS on my all-time ranking (1997-2024):
- :it: join :is: - both countries have the most appearances on my personal Top 10's: 14x in total.
- biggest jump in this decade so far: :lt: 45 --> 34
- :fr: are experiencing the best "run" right now. They were part of my Top 10 for 4 consecutive years

01 :az: 94 [12x]
02 :it: 93 [14x] [+6]
03 :hr: 89 [10x]
04 :is: 75 [14x]
05 :ua: 75 [10x] [+8]
06 :il: 73 [11x] [+2]
07 :se: 71 [12x]
08 :sl: 68 [10x] [+10]
09 :de: 66 [11x]
10 :pl: 62 [10x]
11 :nl: 48 [10x]
12 :al: 46 [6x]
13 :ee: 45 [8x]
14 :no: 37 [8x] [+4]
15 :ru: 37 [5x]
16 :gr: 35 [5x] [+7]
17 :fr: 34 [7x] [+5]
18 :uk: 31 [6x]
19 :es: 31 [5x]
20 :by: 30 [7x]
21 :pt: 30 [7x] [+3]
22 :hu: 29 [6x]
23 :ba: 28 [5x]
24 :am: 26 [5x]
25 :lv: 25 [4x]
26 :ie: 24 [6x] [+1]
27 :rs: 24 [5x]
28 :cz: 24 [4x]
29 :me: 23 [4x]
30 :bg: 23 [4x]
31 :cy: 22 [4x]
32 :dk: 20 [4x]
33 :ch: 19 [3x]
34 :lt: 17 [4x] [+12]
35 :tr: 17 [4x]
36 :be: 17 [4x]
37 :sk: 17 [2x]
38 :fi: 16 [2x]
39 :ro: 14 [3x]
40 :mk: 14 [3x]
41 :at: 13 [4x]
42 :ge: 12 [2x]
43 :mt: 11 [4x]
44 :md: 10 [3x]
45 :sm: 6 [1x]
46 :au: 2 [1x]
47 :ad: 1 [1x]
48 :mc: 0 [0x]
49 :lu: 0 [0x]
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