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WorldVision Mod
Staff member
August 1, 2012


Hokkaidō is the second-largest island and northernmost Japanese region. Due to its low density, it is both a prefecture and a region.
Sapporo is the largest city of Hokkaido and the five-largest of the whole country with a population of nearly two millions.
71% of its territory is covered in forests and is home to many mountains and volcanic plateaux.
Most of the population is employed by the service sector, even though agriculture and other primary industries play a large role in Hokkaido's economy.







WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
Hokkaido was turning out to be as much of a scouting flop as ::toho but thankfully my enslaved elf helped me in finding some decent entries.


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Hokkaido was turning out to be as much of a scouting flop as ::toho but thankfully my enslaved elf helped me in finding some decent entries.


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
WV 155
Rinne Yoshida - crafty

A qualification was hoped for but not expected, so thank you ! I knew it was in the same nerve as my previous successful entries despite being less impactful. Nice to see you appreciated it.



WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
WV 156
sleepy.ab - Ikitsugi

Is it the Hokkaido version of Sigur Rós ?
This is surprisingly only the second time in 29 editions that I send a slow song. And to think I used to consider myself a ballad lover before I started to play in contests :censored:
Anyhoe, despite the fact I will be blanked by my fellow pot bish with style, I hope some of you will enjoy the chilling mood.​


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè

Unexpected qualification tbh, but I'm glad some fellow bish proved me wrong by voting for it. It's the biggest victory!!

WV 157
Pampas Fields Noise Found art - Aura

A classic pot D track found by my elf that will probably be left dead in the semi but let's dream shall we ?​


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè

WV 158
Yoshida Brothers - Rising

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's it. That's the end. After 2 years (!) and a road trip in the 8 regions of Japan, I got to send my last entry from this country #emoshen
I'll go over these 32 entries after the edition, but for now let's focus on this one. I wanted to finish the way I intended to play for these 2 years : sending entries I somewhat liked while displaying different genres. As it's been a while since I dug into the more traditional part of Japanese music, it was only fitting I would end with folkish artists playing shamisen
Give me one last final please xcry

EDIT : It didn't happen



WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
:jp: NihonTour : A Retrospective :jp:

:kyus: ::shik ::chug ::kans ::chub :kant: ::toho ::hokk

June 2020. Sick of rotting in the NSC WL, I decided, quite on a whim, to join another contest. The idea had already crossed my mind a few times in the past, but no country was either free or interesting enough for me to commit to. Regions didn't even seem appealing, despite the additional freedom they gave. What made me change my mind ? Eh, I dunno, probably a discussion with @Ana Raquel about Asian greatness.

Anyway, at some point I got the brilliant idea that, if I couldn't get Japan, I can still do a road trip around the country. I swear, I didn't understand why I and others didn't think of it sooner.
The number of entries per region was quickly decided, I didn't want to linger too much as I had other plans ready. Four it is, enough to showcase some pretty different things, and enough to push me to make hard choices. I wanted to try displaying different styles, while still keeping true to myself. That's when the hard part comes in, as finding songs that I liked enough to send and found interesting to show you all was a hassle for some regions. I guess that's where I shout out my biggest thanks to @Uto without whom half of this lineup wouldn't have been what it ended up being.

Two years, a win, and many NQ later, it's time for a little retrospective.

I wanted to say that Kyushu is the region I like the least, as at that point that I had no idea what I was doing, but looking back at it now I am... quite fond of it ? It was mainly pop/rock oriented, which fits me a lot actually. Anyway, I was just a baby getting a taste of my first NQs, it was still fun nonetheless.

Best result : Anly - Taiyo ni Warae | 14th (SF), 61pts
Worst result : FLiP - Bat Boy! Bat Girl! | 23th (SF), 38pts

Shikoku is maybe the region I'm the most salty about. When I started I said I didn't care much about results, and it stayed true all along, but it didn't prevent me from being quite disappointed when some of them didn't make it. And the fact I got my first Q wand top 5 with a song I scouted for in a rush because another version of the intended one had been sent an edition prior didn't ease the feeling. But well, that's all fair game, it was probably my most diverse line-up, it didn't work, never mind !

Best result : Kanho Yakushiji - Gyakuonjinshu | 5th (GF), 140pts
Worst result : Eve - Inochi no Tabekata | 23rd (SF), 32pts

Chugoku has two of my favorite entries xheat Seeing Respect in the final totally made my day as I wrote it off as sure NQ. Then I discovered Perfume, and their hot track FLASH that I was glad to see win the NF and get another great result. All in all, this is my most successful region with 3Q (without a PQ). Thank you !

Best result : Perfume - FLASH | 4th (GF), 141pts
Worst result : woltanative - Ameilo Rhythm | 20th (SF), 47pts

Kansai was robbed.

Best result : Galneryus - Angel of Starvation | 19th (SF), 47pts
Worst result
: Eve - Inochi no Tabekata | 23rd (SF), 32pts

Another region I liked a lot. At that point I had the confirmation that if I wanted to do well I had to either send folk tunes or very fast paced tracks. But YoiYoi KoKon is a bop so who am I complaining to.

Best result : REOL - YoiYoi KoKon | 4th (GF), 138pts
Worst result : Mahoroba - SAZARASHI | 16th (SF), 52pts

My dear Kanto. I can safely say it is one of my favorites, if not my favorite line-up of the whole tour. I got my win, the one I secretly hoped to get during these two years, and that was granted to me with a song that I didn't expect to do that well. A win that allowed me to make my ridiculous hosting idea a reality and gave me the opportunity to send a song that is personal to me as a PQ. Thank you Kanto xheart

Best result : Ado - Odo | 1st (GF), 181pts
Worst result
: yahyel - TAO | 13th (SF), 55pts

The first two entries were locked on the moment I decided to go along with this tour. Sora ni Utaeba has a special place in my heart, being my favorite opening from MHA anime, which I watched for the first time during lockdown and is now one of my favorite manga. Plus it always warms my heart a lot. Princess had been shown to me by Ana during a plug night, and I instantly shortlisted it because it was so out of the box and so uptempo I was instantly drown to it.

Best result : Himekami - Sennen no Inori | 20th (GF), 93pts
Worst result : amazarashi - Sora ni Utaeba | 25th (SF), 18pts

After two Q I thought that I could finally do a Grand Slam and bring all four of them to the final, but my hopes were stomped out pretty quickly. I am quite satisfied with the line-up, it probably is the most diverse with Shikoku, I wanted to end on this note as it was one of my main goals when I started playing in WV.

Best result : Rinne Yoshida - crafty | 19th (GF), 90pts
Worst result
: PAMPAS FIELDS NOISE FOUND art - Aura | 21st (SF), 26pts

The full playlist



WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè

I'm back b*tches
I'm excited to be back on track with this reverse NihonTour. There's just something thrilling about scouting through all the boring female pop ballads and the illegally too many Kanto artists to find regional gems. A true headache, I swear.
Thankfully for you - actually, maybe not - Hokkaido turned out to be a solid line-up. Definitely way more than the next one anyway.
Uto dubbed the first entry as Initial D Rock, so do whatever you want with this classification.


Well-known member
March 13, 2011
There's just something thrilling about scouting through all the boring female pop ballads​

*Nods vigorously in Cantonese*

When I had :hk:, it was oddly satisfying to drown in the pool of infinite number of ballads (probably like 97% of its music scene) first and then find something xheartnot ballad xheart
Instant euphoria


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
*Nods vigorously in Cantonese*

When I had :hk:, it was oddly satisfying to drown in the pool of infinite number of ballads (probably like 97% of its music scene) first and then find something xheartnot ballad xheart
Instant euphoria
Oh yes I definitely remember scouting a little for :hk: and Singapore
:mn: was actually worse than both because aside from the ballads you had a shit ton of bad male rap xcookie


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
WV 181
nonoc - Kodo

Her whispers in the beginning, I swear it makes me feel things.
It's apparently the opening of a military magical girls anime, which is, not surprising, really. The chorus can easily relate to fighting with all your might.

14th (GF) - 101pts


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
WV 183
NOISEMAKER - Hunter or Prey

Certainly not the best rock song out there, but I definitely had to throw one in this run. It's also some sort of preparation for the next entry that will surely be... polarizing to say the least.

15th (GF), 106pts


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
WV 184
BPM15Q prod. TeddyLoid - LaRiLaRu

19th (SF), 41pts

And this concludes the ::hokk run, which with 2Q/4 got actually a decent score given my track record. Even my semi flops somehow didn't end up atth every bottom of the scoreboard, so thanks people.


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