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Birmingham 1998 - Post your top 25


Active member
February 7, 2014
Last ESC year to feature the performance of a full live orchestra. Also last edition to demand that the entrants performed solely in their countries' official language. How things have changed since then. Was a bit surprised and saddened to read that the singer from my #1 pick passed away a little over a couple of years ago. The circumstances in which things occurred were more sad to learn about than the actual passing, actually.

Had no recollection Terry Wogan presented for BBC...the more I keep going back in time the more I appreciate his contribute that made Eurovision a trademark in British territory. He had that classic traditional sense of humor that gave one a good chuckle. Not shy to display bias or being a bit mean at times, however. But I guess he did it in a more cordial way than Graham Norton, which from what I've heard doesn't seem that bad of a commentator but still nowhere near as smooth as Wogan. Here's my list for that year:

1- :ro: Romania
2- :ch: Switzerland
3- :gr: Greece
4- :be: Belgium
5- :es: Spain
6- :mt: Malta
7- :se: Sweden
8- :sk: Slovakia
9- :il: Israel
10- :pt: Portugal
11- :sl: Slovenia
12- :fi: Finland
13- :ie: Ireland
14- :no: Norway
15- :nl: Netherlands
16- :mk: Macedonia
17- :tr: Turkey
18- :cy: Cyprus
19- :hu: Hungary
20- :pl: Poland
21- :ee: Estonia
22- :de: Germany
23- :uk: UK
24- :fr: France
25- :hr: Croatia


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
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Well-known member
October 1, 2009
My list:
1. :hr:
2. :nl:
3. :uk:
4. :il:
5. :fi:
6. :pt:
7. :de:
8. :ie:
9. :mt:
10. :be:
11. :cy:
12. :sk:
13. :es:
14. :no:
15. :pl:
16. :fr:
17. :gr:
18. :mk:
19. :ee:
20. :se:
21. :ro:
22. :sl:
23. :ch:
24. :hu:
25. :tr:

1998 is a great year, my whole top 13 is all great songs, but my number one is the true winner of 1998 for me! :mrgreen:


Well-known member
March 11, 2013
43rd Eurovision Song Contest - Birmingham 1998
1.:mt: Malta
2.:uk: United Kingdom
3.:nl: Netherlands
4.:sl: Slovenia
5.:il: Israel
6.:hr: Croatia
7.:gr: Greece
8.:se: Sweden
9.:sk: Slovakia
10.:no: Norway
11.:pl: Poland
12.:mk: Macedonia
13.:ch: Switzerland
14.:es: Spain
15.:ee: Estonia
16.:be: Belgium
17.:de: Germany
18.:fi: Finland
19.:ro: Romania
20.:pt: Portugal
21.:tr: Turkey
22.:fr: France
23.:ie: Ireland
24.:cy: Cyprus
25.:hu: Hungary


Well-known member
June 20, 2013
My top after rewatching that year contest:

1. :il: Israel
2. :hr: Croatia
3. :be: Belgium
4. :nl: Netherlands
5. :uk: United Kingdom
6. :mt: Malta
7. :se: Sweden
8. :ee: Estonia
9. :no: Norway
10. :cy: Cyprus
11. :pt: Portugal
12. :ch: Switzerland
13. :de: Germany
14. :ie: Ireland
15. :sl: Slovenia
16. :pl: Poland
17. :sk: Slovakia
18. :gr: Greece
19. :fi: Finland
20. :ro: Romania
21. :hu: Hungary
22. :fr: France
23. :es: Spain
24. :tr: Turkey
25. :mk: Macedonia


Active member
February 28, 2017
Birmingham 1998 - my top 25

:12: :nl: Edsilia - Hemel en aarde
:10: :mt: Chiara - The One That I Love
:8: :no: Lars A. Fredriksen - Alltid sommer
:7: :uk: Imaani - Where Are You?
:6: :ee: Koit Toome - Mere lapsed
:5: :de: Guildo Horn - Guildo hat euch lieb!
:4: :il: Dana International - Diva
:3: :hr: Danijela - Neka mi ne svane
:2: :pt: Alma Lusa - Se eu te pudesse abraçar
:1: :sl: Vili Resnik - Naj bogovi slišijo
11 :be: Mélanie Cohl - Dis oui
12 :mk: Vlado Janevski - Ne zori, zoro
13 :ie: Dawn Martin - Is Always Over Now?
14 :ro: Mălina Olinescu - Eu cred
15 :cy: Michael Hajiyanni - Genesis
16 :es: Mikel Herzog - ¿Qué voy a hacer sin ti?
17 :se: Jill Johnson - Kärleken är
18 :pl: Sixteen - To takie proste
19 :ch: Gunvor - Lass ihn
20 :fi: Edea - Aava
21 :tr: Tüzmen - Unutamazsın
22 :hu: Charlie - A holnap már nem lesz szomorú
23 :fr: Marie Line - Où aller
24 :sk: Katarína Hasprová - Modlitba
25 :gr: Thalassa - Mia Krifi Evesthisia
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February 6, 2019
West Cornwall
I'd better post a year I'm more familiar with, 1998 is still my favourite and it's the one that got me into older contests!

25.:hu: Hungary-Charlie-A holnap mar nem lesz szomoru :roll:
24.:de: Germany-Guildo Horn-Guildo hat euch lieb! (Would have been hilarious if he won though!)
23.:mt: Malta-Chiara-The one that I love (It's actually my least favourite Chiara song, I prefer the version in Maltese in fact!)
22.:cy: Cyprus-Michael Hajiyanni-Genesis xshrug
21.:ch: Switzerland-Gunvor-Lass ihn xshrug
20.:fi: Finland-Edea-Aava xshrug
19.:no: Norway-Lars Fredriksen-Alltid sommer xshrug
18.:es: Spain-Mikel Herzog-Que voy a hacer sin ti? (Maybe would be higher if I was in a different mood though)
17.:fr: France-Marie-Line-Ou aller (I do actually find it a bit underrated!)
16.:be: Belgium-Melanie Cohl-Dis oui
15.:pl: Poland-Sixteen-To takie proste
14.:pt: Portugal-Alma Lusa-Se eu te pudesse abraçar
13.:tr: Turkey-Tuzmen-Unutamazsın
12.:uk: United Kingdom-Imaani-Where are you? (Decent host entry)
11.:ie: Ireland-Dawn Martin-Is Always over Now?

10.:mk: F.Y.R.Macedonia-Vlado Janevski-Ne zori,zoro (Into my more uncommon preferences, my 2010 one is really unusual!)
9.:sl: Slovenia-Vili Resnik-Naj bogovi slisjio
8.:ee: Estonia-Koit Toome-Mere lapsed (Decent 90s Estonia)
7.:sk: Slovakia-Katarina Hasprova-Modlitba
6.:gr: Greece-Thalassa-Mia krifi evaisthissia
5.:se: Sweden-Jill Johnson-Kärleken är xclap
4.:nl: Netherlands-Edsilia-Hemel en aarde xdance (Nearly top 3!)
3.:ro: Romania-Malina Olinescu-Eu cred xlove
2.:hr: Croatia-Danijela-Neka mi ne svane
1.:il: Israel-Dana International-Diva xdance

Ajeje Brazorf

Well-known member
October 6, 2021
1 - :hr: Danijela - Neka mi ne svane (best Croatian entry ever, by far)
2 - :ro: Malina Olinescu - Eu cred (that last chorus struck so hard my feelings. Rest in pesce Malina)
3 - :sk: Katarina Hasprová - Modlitba (This is when they were robbed the most, not Horehronie... Deserved waaay more)
4 - :se: Jill Johnson - Kärleken är
5 - :ee: Koit Toome - Mere Lapsed
6 - :ie: Dawn Martin - Is always over now?
7 - :fi: Edea -Aava
8 - :cy: Michael Hajiyanni - Yenesis
9 - :nl: Edsilia Rombley - Hemel en aarde
10 - :il: Dana International - Diva
11 - :pt: Alma Lusa - Se eu te pudesse abracar
12 - :no: Lars Fredriksen - Alltid sommer
13 - :uk: Imaani - Where are you?
14 - :es: Mikel Herzog - Que voy hacèr sin ti?
15 - :pl: Sixteen - To takie proste
16 - :mt: Chiara - The one that I love
17 - :mk: Vlado Janevski - Ne zori, zoro
18 - :sl: Vili Resnik - Naj bogovi slisjio
19 - :be: Melanie Cohl - Dis oui
20 - :tr: Tuzmen - Unutumazsin
21 - :gr: Thalassa - Mia krifi evaisthissia
22 - :ch: Gunvor - Lass Ihn
23 - :fr: Marie-Line - Ou aller
24 - :hu: Charlie - A holnap mar nem lesz szomoru
25 - :de: Guildo Horn - Guildo hat euch lieb!
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