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Albania: Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko - Identitet


October 31, 2012
Post your suggestions for questions to ask the artist(s) and delegation here.

These questions can be Eurovision related, general music questions regarding the artist or even random questions (e.g., what three items would you take with you on a deserted Island).

We will have final say about which questions get asked, but we'd appreciate it if everyone keeps their questions polite. Negative or overly critical questions (e.g. Why is your song so bad? Do you think your song is plagiarism?) will most likely not get chosen.
So what questions do you think would be the best questions to ask artists?

Be sure to include your name and your city and country of origin.


Well-known member
December 4, 2010
Setovia, Xhanostania
Firstly, I would like to say thank you for keeping the song in Albanian language. How do you feel about winning the 51st edition of the Albanian national festival, Fesitvali i Këngës, with the song Identitet? This victory also gives you the right to represent the country in Eurovision.

How did you come up with the idea to take part in Festivali i Këngës 51?

You enter Festivali i Këngës 51 with Bledar Sejko, how did that happen? What was your motivation?

After you performed at the finale of Fesitvali i Këngës 51, you got a very loud cheer that made you come back on the stage. How did you guys feel after that reaction from the audience? It seems it was very similar to Rona Nishliu's.

Could you tell us a bit of how will you perform it on stage?

If you win Adrian and Bledar, who will you guys call first? What will be the very first thing you will do to celebrate?

Are you guys wanting to release an album together or separately soon?

Finally, I wish you the very best in Malmö, for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Ramadan, from Melbourne, Australia.


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
Is there a social message in your song and video? Do you think it will come through and affect people in the east, in the west?

How close do you personally follow the ESC? Do you have any favorites from previous years, and this year?

(Henrik, Sweden)


February 9, 2012
Your country always sends such fantastic, highly quality pieces of music to the contest and it is no exception this year with your great song. What is it like following in the footsteps of Rona Nishliu? Do you hope for the same success this year?

Looking forward to you guys rocking the stage in Malmo!!

Kai from UK
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