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  1. tuorem

    WLSC 204 "En route to the midnight sky" in Gatineau, Tybalteva. Results page 8 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our nation! The Tybaltevan broadcaster TYBC 1 is to host the 204th edition of WLSC, with the technical and logistical support of KimmiTV. You are kindly invited to visit Gatineau, our capital and the jewel of our huge...
  2. tuorem

    TYBALTEVA 🗝️ NSC 224 🗝️ Olivia Ruiz - La Réplique

    Tybalteva Tybaltevan Republic Tyubalteavàento Repùbliki "Em Tejcùka Artara Jisto Barem" (Never apologise for being free) Capital | Gatineau Official language & demonym | Tybaltevan Government | Federal crowned republic Monarch | Archibald Aedan of Tybalteva Prime Minister | Edyta Toblerova...
  3. tuorem

    Reversed Eurovision - GAME OVER

    Hello guys, Would you mind playing a lil' game? :p I thought I would try to organise a new one. What is "Reversed Eurovision"? Well, imagine for a second that we live in a parallel universe where the qualifiers and pre-qualifiers of the contest disappear into oblivion while the...
  4. tuorem

    Perfect final lineup game 2009-2018: GAME OVER

    Hello guys xwave It's your boy Tuorem, or Thibaud to my closest friends here. :D I wondered if anyone would be interested in taking part in a little game this summer xthink I don't mean to steal Edward 's...
  5. tuorem

    Your favorite "love" songs of the last 10 years

    Hello everyone, As you may have noticed, today is Valentine's day, so I thought you'd be interested in a little ranking game about love xheart :mrgreen: All you have to do is post your personal top 10 of the Eurovision songs whose title contains the word "love". Pretty simple :D I only...
  6. tuorem

    ESC United 2015 Final ranking (results page 5!)

    Hello guys :) If this game has been done before, then I apologize, just tell me and I'll delete it. We already had Verjamem's amazing game about which 2015 entries would get through before the contest was held. Well, the game/Survey I propose slightly differs. Now that almost all of us have...
  7. tuorem

    K-pop Fiesta - Winners & Full Results page 34

    The ESC-style game with strong Korean flavor! Introduction General rules Little final results
  8. tuorem

    Tuorem's party, one-off edition - WINNER page 60

    Hello there xwave I know there are already quite a few games out there, but I wanted to do one myself, so if enough people are interested in it, then let's get this game started. :D Eurovision years from 2009 to 2015 are concerned: 282 entries from 47 countries compete for the victory. The...
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