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  1. Barish

    WLSC 266 -- Såltsóhavn, SHB -- RESULTS NOW!!!

    Preliminary Deadlines confirmation :: 24.12.2023 :: Sunday show :: 25.12.2023 :: Monday voting :: 02.01.2024 :: Tuesday results :: TBD :: TBD This production is a collaboration between B1 and EfT.
  2. Barish

    WLSC 252 🏰❄️ Braedstadt, SHB ✨⛸ Winner announced!

    Hello friends and welcome to Braedstadt, capital of Stor-Herzigdömmet Breiðdalsbar! We are a small but fierce self governing nation and we will try our best to make this opportunity a most pleasant one for your delegations. You know how it goes; send in your entries either via posting on this...
  3. Barish


    That's the Grand Duchy of Breiðdalsbar to you. Now that the annoying and all-consuming older siblings FINALLY moved on to the main roster, maybe it's time to let Natians know more about our existence. Wiki info for nerds: Grand Duchy of Breiðdalsbar is a historical region of and the only...
  4. Barish

    Live WLSC 221 // Dar-Danell, Effiland // RESULTS pg4

    221th edition of WAITING LIST SONG CONTEST Dar-Danell, Effiland PLEASE NOTE: Neither the producers of the show nor the Effiland's public broadcaster EfT is responsible for any occasions of horror experienced by the guest delegations. Participant discretion is advised. DELEGATION AND...
  5. Barish

    《 WLSC 211 》 A NEON DAYDREAM 《 Sillhammer, Effiland 》winner revealed!

    《 211th WAITING LIST SONG CONTEST 》 SILLHAMMER, EFFILAND Welcome to Sillhammer! Looks like global climate change is affecting Effiland as well, we're having a winter that is warmer than usual. But that means we have clear golden hours more than usual as well and as any tour guide would tell...
  6. Barish

    E F F I L A N D ~ NSC 213: Amaranthe - Find Life

    For more info:
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