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  • E, moracu da glasam za FSC, dva puta nisam stigao zbog obaveza :( Do 27. se glasa? Evo, citam dok mogu, posle imam predavanja, danas opet pocinju :( Kako je kod tebe?
    In all honesty, I thought that this ESC was gonna be one of the best. So far, I think it's just average. For sure, I don't like Latvia, Georgia

    The ones that I like are France, Cyprus and Croatia. I have really high hope for Macedonia, I have her Poruka album and all of the songs there were wonderful. So, I can't see her having a horrible song.
    Very nice, do you also post FSC and NSC related things on twitter, or is it just ESC related things? :)
    To je u potpunosti normalno, jer se i meni desavalo, iako sam vec dosta dugo moderator i ovde i na OGAE. Samo polako, cim si izabrana znaci da imas potencijal i vremenom ce sve leci na svoje :D
    yeah, it takes a bit of time to get used to what is breaking rules and what isn't. Your judgement will become better with time :)
    Ej :D Evo preslusavam ovu gruzijsku pesmu i ne verujem sta sve stigne do ESC-a :lol: Nzalost, ni nakon reinstalacije ne uspeva da se konektuje :( Ne znam sta jos da probam, probao sam i da Googlam da trazim resenje, ali nije pomoglo. Mozes jedino preko PP ili ovde da me pitas, jbg.
    Eeeeeee svaka cast, svaka cast :D Sve cestitke :D Dobrodosla u ekipu, i puno srece na novom radnom mestu! :D Mada ces se brzo snaci, siguran sam :D
    Jukice ja sam tek sad skužila da si moderatorica :eek: :D. Jeej, baš sam sretna da je sada i jedna cura dio mod tima i to iz Zaprešića hehe. Čestitke! :D
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