Home Editorials (page 29)


Running scar(r)ed: What’s the deal with promo CDs?

A Eurovision friend recently posted on his Facebook an odd bit about how someone on EBay bought the Slovenian promo CD of STRAIGHT INTO LOVE by Hannah Mancini for 405 Euro. I was troubled by the fact that someone would even sell a promo CD that they received for free from the Slovenian delegation this year. But then again, given …

Should’ve known better?: Press and fan reactions to the FYR Macedonia controversy

An editorial from Zack.  This content does not reflect the views of ESC United or its readers.  We encourage readers to share their comments below. —– As many of you know, Esma from FYR Macedonia has been under fire for some quotes she ALLEGEDLY made upon their return home: For those of you who are unaware, Esma reportedly blamed the …

This year marks the 10th anniversary of when I first discovered Eurovision in 2003 as a study abroad student studying in London while a junior at The University of Washington.  This year also marks the first Eurovision I will attend in person!  So this article is the first of many articles to come that will let me share everyone what …

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