Home Countries Turkey (page 2)


A History of Eurovision: 1066 to 1217

Whilst it is believed by many to have begun in 1956 in Switzerland, the Eurovision Song Contest has, in fact, existed in one form or another for a number of years. Recent research by Prof. A. Prillis from Valetta University has uncovered a surprising sequence of events throughout the ages. It seems that the contest can be traced as far …

Will 2017 finally be our record-breaking year?

Year after year and build-up after build-up for each Eurovision sees fans discussing whether a record number of participating countries will be present at the competition and every year we seem to fall short. But the signs this year seem promising with only a handful of the usual nations declining the EBU’s kind invitation to take part. With Turkey and …

Come Together: Country Flags available for download

The Swedish broadcaster SVT recently presented the theme art for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest yesterday. We at ESC United  understand how exciting it is to support your country (or your favorite song) so just as we did last year, we created Logo Flags for most European countries including all possible participants. And if you’re like me and live outside …

Why Turkey left the contest and more EBU drama on the way – ESC United Podcast

Matt and Adam are back with another edition of the ESC Podcast discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. We are joined by our member Robert aka Lupus who is a new fan of the contest. The following topics were up for debate: –  Turkey is out again…why?!? – Minus One and Thomas G:SON for …

Turkey will not return to Eurovision in 2016

After some back and forth over the past few months, the Turkish broadcaster has announced that Turkey will not return to the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm. A screenshot has been floating around on several websites dedicated to the Song Contest with the following translation: Turkey decided to withdraw from the Eurovision Song Contest in 2013. TRT, the national …

Dream Team 2016 – Turkey

The first country to reveal their dream team participant, as decided by our readers, is Turkey! The Eurasian country has been absent from the contest since 2013 but TRT are expected to bring Turkey back in 2016 – so who do our readers want to see flying the Turkish flag? There were a lot of names suggested for Turkey, but …

Turkey back in 2016

Turkish national broadcaster TRT appears to have confirmed the Eurasian country will return to Eurovision next year after three years of non-participation. The previous management of the broadcaster who had publically criticised the competition’s rules are no longer controllers of TRT. The new head of the broadcaster, Senol Gökan, has now announced that Turkey intends to return to the competition …

TRT General Manager: Turkey will not return in 2015

This morning, Müdürü İbrahim Şahin, the General Manager of the Turkish broadcaster TRT, confirmed what many were expecting: Turkey won’t be taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Vienna. The country will therefore sit out of the contest for the third consecutive year. TRT decided to withdraw two years ago due to dissatisfaction with the current split voting system …

Turkey, Bulgaria: Unconfirmed, but encouraging

Two of South-eastern Europe’s absentees from the previous contest are both showing encouraging signs that they will return in 2015, despite neither broadcaster officially confirming their participation. The Bulgarian broadcaster is no major surprise as the case was always participation in the event of a lenient budget, but BNT has recently begun updating it’s own Eurovision page, eurovision.bnt.bg, suggesting that …

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